Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


What is tyranny? - SP 3

For a man to learn to live as a Sovereign, in Divine Expression of his True Nature as a child of the Father Which Is in Heaven, he must indeed, at this time and age, have a clear picture of what tyranny is and how it operates in the world.

While it is presumably easy to identify someone who openly and brutally behaves as a tyrant by forcing others into involuntary slavery, it is indeed more difficult to discern an ingenious tyrant who takes actions that are 'packaged' to appear in someone's 'best interest' while designed to deceive them into accepting 'voluntary' slavery.  The latter behavior is indeed one mode of operation of the unrighteous - unholy. Smooth talking, big smiles, very charming / charismatic, lots of flash and reflection, and quite hot - the irresistible package (at least that is what they think).

What is even harder to recognize sometimes is that someone in your own family, or someone you feel attracted to could be a tyrant who has set herself / himself to enslave you, or is / has been used to enslave you at any cost. As you will see, tyranny does not begin on a governmental level.


"Confucius said, it begins with the individual, then the family, then the community, then the state, then the nation. Every family needs a wise man at its head. When the man knows these things, then his family knows these things because he teaches his sons and grandsons. When you have strong families who know these things you have a strong community who stands together. When you have a strong community, you have a strong city. Then when you have strong cities, you have strong states, and when you have a strong state you have a strong nation. According to Confucius, the nation is led by a strong emperor just like a family is led by a strong man."

I pasted this idea to simply illustrate that before there can be a tyrant leading a nation, there has to be tyranny imposed on an individual level. Once an individual is contaminated, he then contaminates his family. Contaminated families then make contaminated communities, contaminated communities then lead to a contaminated cities and states, and then you get a contaminated leader of the nation. Removal of the leader, does indeed not decontaminate the state, the city, the community, the family, nor the individual.

Thus we begin on an individual level, for it is on an individual level that the door to the unrighteous - unholy is opened every day.


  • an absolute ruler, as in ancient Greece owing his office to usurpation
  • a tyrannical or compulsory influence
  • autocratic oppressor
  • a person who exercises power or authority despotically or oppressively
  • a king or ruler who uses his power oppressively or unjustly

There are indeed many levels of knowledge available from this simple definition. Should we search the path of ancient Greece or perhaps the path of rulers and kings of bygone eras? Should we focus on the current expression of despotism or the meaning of "compulsory influence" which suggests perhaps the use of occult powers?

Recognizing that we must begin on an individual level, let's follow the "mundane" path of simplicity.

First of all, a tyrant is someone who:

  1. rules,
  2. influences,
  3. exercises

All of which is accomplished through:

  1. usurpation,
  2. oppression, and
  3. despotic behavior

Inherent in this definition is the knowledge of injustice. This is to say, there are no excuses, no reasons that can justify the actions of any type of tyrant. No one can justify the existence of tyranny over anyone, even over those who voluntarily place themselves under such rule. No matter what a tyrant would claim, he / she is not justified in his / her actions. From my point of view, inducing / deceiving someone into voluntary slavery is as unjust and unjustifiable as forcing that same person into involuntary slavery.

Before we continue, there is one thing that must be understood or at least recognized at this point. This is the fact that since the very actions of a tyrant are unjust / oppressive / despotic, any type of contract that is made under tyranny is not legally binding and therefore it is not enforceable.  It is only when the oppressed believes the contracts to be valid and lives as if they were valid, that for all practical purposes it is so in his life.

Oppression starts in one's mind, first someone has to accept the false contract / obligation and believe it to be enforceable. Then he can be controlled by it. This is to say, Sovereignty starts in one's mind too, which is why this is and can only be an individual process. One by one each person has to claim his / her own Sovereignty... in his / her head.

This is very important, because as you begin the process of not playing the game of the unrighteous - unholy, they will indeed come unto you with a list of contracts and obligations you have agreed to. "You said this and you said that... You promised... You agreed... Your parents signed you into slavery... You owe us... You, you, you, I, I, I, and we, we, we..." When this happens, you simply say, this contract was done under deceit and is null and void. Then you give Thanks unto Father for lifting this false contract from you and any false obligation that it put upon you. You give Thanks unto Father for restoring you to Truth.

Step by step each one of us progresses in the Father Way.

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