Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


Creativity and the Mystical and Magical

What does creativity and the Mystical and Magical have in common? Well, if you had asked me this questions many years ago, I would have probably said: "they are not spiritual". Having been raised in a catholic environment, my perception of a spiritual journey was molded by the portrayal of Jesus in the Bible. He was portrayed as someone who was poor and enjoyed eating at others expenses. He was portrayed as a missionary who had nothing more than his clothes and walked from place to place telling people of a Father. I was told his father Joseph was a carpenter, but nowhere was there any indication Jesus took the trade or created anything using carpentry skills. To me, the idea that his father was a carpenter portrayed the fact that they were a family in the lower ranks of society rather than a family that expressed creativity through the use of wood. So is it any surprise that when I awoke to my Desire to do Father's Will I saw myself walking among the people, teaching them of a Loving Father, and being sustained by the people who would offer me food and shelter?


When I quit my engineering job to take a sabbatical, my direction for implementing my Desire for the Father certainly was pointing toward this idea of "walking among the poor".  My parents were alarmed by this and they would suggest I "walk among the rich". To them it would have been too shameful to have a child living among the poor and catering to them. "You can do more good by teaching the rich, because they are the ones that employ the poor and can make a greater difference" they would say. Yet, having lived among the wealthy, I knew of their hypocrisy and felt repelled by their ways. It is among the poor / People that there was a sincere Desire for the Father and I wanted to help them learn of the Father in a new way.


With all these preconceived ideas and expectations of a spiritual journey and having quit my job because I was "done with the ways of the corporate world", I was very unreceptive to Father's suggestion to be Creative in my journey, to bring forth Divine Creations, and to participate in  the corporate world by bringing a new way of doing business and commerce. "What to you mean go back to the corporate world? I just left all that behind! There is no way I'm going back there. That is not spiritual activity."


Well, as it turns out, as Father began to patiently explain to Linda and I about His Ways and how we the People have been separated from the Father, it became apparent that Creativity is indeed an integral part of a Spiritual Journey with the Father. Father expressed that men's Creativity had been so denied and ridiculed, that a vast majority who could not suppress their creative nature, had been forced into having to express it in a "feminine persona". Father has also explained that men's intuitive nature had been so suppressed and maligned that the only way men have been able to use it without being chastised for it, has been in a business environment pursuing the empty goal of making money for a fictitious entity called a "company". In such an environment this "business sense" is rewarded with the coveted upward mobility that many desire and so few can reach. Yet what good is it to express your creativity and intuitive nature in a way that brings darkness, death, decay, and destruction to you and the Life of the People?


Creative energy is what we receive from the Father. Creative energy is meant to nourish us and our Souls as it expresses in ways that support a Mystical and Magical Life (see my postings on this topic). For men this means to express creativity through their masculine nature. Father has made it very clear that the idea feminine and masculine energy both reside in men and women, is erroneous. Men are masculine. Women are feminine. As men, we need not seek "our feminine side" to express creativity. There is non to be found there. Getting in touch with such a feminine energy is to get in touch with an energy that does not belong to us and therefore is external to us. It is to become something we are not. This is not the Father Way. This is similar with women. Women need not seek "their masculine side" to be strong and confident. There is non to be found there.


In Father Way, each of us would learn once again what it is to express Creativity, Strength, Confidence through our True Nature. Men as masculine. Women as feminine. No crossing of identities, no confusion.


This does not mean of course, that men are meant to fight and lust and to use their creativity to develop weapons, war, and competition. Masculinity is not equal to death, violence, confrontation, and sex. Similarly, this does not mean that women are meant to clean houses and have children. Femininity is not equal to life, procreation, submission, and sex. These are just stereotypical indoctrinations the unrighteous - unholy have put upon us to divert our True Nature away from the Father Way.


It is for each one of us to allow ourselves to let go of the stereotype that we have used to claim our identity and to re-turn to our True Nature in the Father Way.

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