Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


How is it done?

We know now that feelings are where it begins, but how do we actually transition to the Mystical and Magical Life of Father's Way? The first steps have already been taken. They were the recognition that our perception of Reality needed to be re-fined and re-tuned and a willingness to embrace the possibility of restoration to our True Nature.

As we continue this individual journey of discovery and restoration to the Father Way, we focus on the Mystical and Magical as a natural expression of the Universe. Living plants, living stones, living Earth, living Sun, living puffy clouds. The aurora borealis, the fireflies lighting up the night, the sparkling raindrop on a leave, the People, the fairies, and the nature spirits. All together yet individually rejoicing in the wonderment of Creation and Life, receiving the Blessings from the Father and progressing in their Spiritual Journey.

Step by step we progress in this journey in which we awaken once again to a way of Life that is conducive to Joy, Peace, Abundance, and Harmony, for we re-learn to be Love as Self free of another and free of the intrusion / presence of the unrighteous - unholy.

Each morning we sit and Pray and set our feeling tone for the day. We greet the Sun rise and welcome the Abundance and Joy that Father makes available to us through him. We make a choice by saying the following Prayer:

I give not away my Righteous and Holy Desire

through untoward / unwarranted activity and play.

I choose this day to beleaguer no more.

I seek instead all Righteous and Holy Play.


Not sure what the words in the Prayer mean? A Mystery to be solved! Perhaps your dictionary may help.


How do we progress in the Mystical aspect of Life?  By seeking a direct and immediate Knowing of the Father Which Is in Heaven and of Universal Truth. We do this through contemplation and Love as Self and by recognizing that this is something available to us right here upon this Earth while we are alive - there is no need to go to Heaven. Instead, through our contemplation [1] and expression of Love as Self, we solidify Heaven on Earth.


As we welcome Knowledge of the Father in us, we remind ourselves of the Attributes or Qualities of the Father. Universal Truth - no room for deception or deceitful behavior. Peace - no enemies to defeat or battles to win. Joy - sorrow and pain are not of the Father. Abundance - lack and famine are not of the Father. Respect - each is allowed to live by the consequences of their own choices, no one to convert or save. Harmony - no room for competition. Love as Self - that which you are and receive from the Father is for your sole use.


Mysticism is a quiet internal process based upon Right Thinking, Right Action, and Right Manifestation of Father's Good Will.


So, how do we progress in the Magical aspect of Life? By nurturing and developing the various attributes of Magic. As we have learned from previous postings these attributes are:

  • Wisdom - the capacity to see what is Right and Just because it is founded on Universal Truth and Universal Law
  • Health - having all the organs or faculties complete and in normal action and relation
  • Mystery - an individual experiences that arouses our curiosity and invites us to playfully explore the Beauty of Creation with the innocence of a child, that we may receive Knowledge of Universal Truths through Divine Revelation
  • Beauty - an inner experience that rewards us with freedom from anxiety and doubt and which fills our store with Abundance. A most wonderful state of Being or feeling which can be nourished and sustained by:
    • That which you focus upon
    • The music you Play
    • Posture of the body
    • Mental outlook / conduct


As we change that which we focus upon to the Father, to Universal Truth, to the Mysteries of Creation, as we change the music that we Play to Harmony, as we change our bodily posture and mental outlook / conduct to an upright position, we begin to experience the feeling of Inner Beauty. A feeling of delight and enjoyment that allows the Abundance of the Father to be received once again in us. We begin to fill fulfilled and satisfied, no longer in need of love and approval.


This feeling of Inner Beauty is facilitated by / conducive to a state of Health in which our organs and faculties are restored to normal function, with our Head, Heart, and Soul being high on the list.


In a Magical Life, we make choices that support our inner Beauty and Health, not so that we can seduce and entice others into giving us their energy and resources, but rather so that we can directly receive the Abundance of the Father which He makes available for our sole use.


In a Magical Life, we seek Right and Proper nourishment of our Head, Heart, and Soul through the food we eat, the air we breathe, the liquid we drink, and the Creative Endeavors / Expressions we Light Heartedly undertake.


In a Magical Life, we apply the Wisdom obtained to recognize what is Right and Proper action / direction for our lives. The Magi could be used as an example here.  To visit Jesus they had to use their Wisdom to recognize the signs of change, to know when to begin the journey (perhaps months or years ahead of Jesus' birth), to know where to go and how to get there, to sustain themselves during the time of travel, and to know what gifts would support Jesus in his Spiritual Journey: frankincense, myrrh, and gold. That is to say a Magical Life lived in Wisdom includes knowledge of the plant / herbal / mineral kingdoms. It includes Right and Proper interpretation of the signs of change that are made available. It includes Right and Proper preparation and planning for what lays ahead.


As you will find, a Mystical and Magical Life is conducive to finding your purpose in Life.

[1] You can read Linda's direction for Right and Proper use of our faculty of contemplation by reading the Contemplation Guide posted under our Daily Inspirationals (it is the last one one the page).

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