Welcome of the Father


Entries in this blog follow a pattern of evolving refinement of my capacity to Live, Experience, and Understand Universal Truth, Universal Law, and Universal Love as Self. You may find that reading any single entry is not unlike reading a random page from a book you have never read. It may or may not make sense. To pick the topic from the beginning, simply click on the link found under each entry's title, or... start with the very first entry and take it from there, or... visit the on-line store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say I leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you,


Mystery and Beauty

Focused on Father's Way of the Mystical and Magical experience of Life, we came to recognize that Mystery and Beauty are a part of such experience. Let's now do some exploration of what this means and how it would express in our lives.

Again, using the same dictionary, "The Reader's Digest Great Encyclopedic Dictionary", we gather the following information.


  • any action, affair, or thing that arouses curiosity or suspense because it is not fully revealed or explained
  • a truth that can be known only by Divine Revelation
  • Syn. A mysterious occurrence contains something unknown but not necessarily unknowable.

In a Mystical and Magical Life, we would each individually experience certain events which would arouse our curiosity. We would naturally feel drawn to investigate and discover, such as children do when they explore their environment. In this, a Greater Truth would become available to us, a Truth that would come from our direct Knowing of the Father.

It is important to recognize that Mystery is a Truth that can be known by Divine Revelation / Knowledge of the Father. That is to say Mystery leads to Greater Truth of Creation and our Selves. As each one receives answers to the Mysteries of Life, each one receives a greater Understanding of Love as Self, Peace, Joy, Harmony, Respect, Honor.

In Father's Way, Mystery is about Life and how to expand our capacity to experience this Life in its fullest. It is a Playful way to discover the Beauty of Creation.

Let's explore then the word Beauty:


  • that quality of objects, sounds, ideas, attitudes, etc, that pleases or gratifies as by their harmony, pattern, excellence, or truth

Notice the words in this definition. Harmony, Excellence, Truth. Can you recognize the Pattern of Father's Way?

When we Playfully discover the Beauty of Creation, we are exploring the Harmony, Excellence, Truth of Creation. This experience of course brings pleasure and gratification. This is Father's Way. Are you in need of Pleasure and Gratification? Then perhaps you should consider Father's Way of a Mystical and Magical Life.


  • a recompense or reward


  • to reward
  • see Satisfy


  • to supply fully with what is desired, expected, or needed
  • to free from doubt and anxiety

When we speak of Beauty, we speak of that which rewards and satisfies us. That which fully supplies all that is Desired, Expected, or Needed.

Can you see the relationship between Beauty and Abundance? When you live in the Abundance of the Father you are fully supplied, your needs are met - or better said, you no longer have needs for there is nothing lacking in your life. Think of the lilies of the valley who toil not and the Father nourishes and sustains.

When we speak of Beauty, we speak of that which frees us from doubt and anxiety.

Can you see the relationship between Beauty and Peace? Where there is Peace, there is no doubt and anxiety. That is to say Beauty brings Peace to us. It calms us and comforts us. Think of a sunset or a serene landscape.


  • an agreeable sensation
  • something that gives a feeling of enjoyment, delight, or satisfaction
  • Ant. Displeasure, pain, sorrow

When we speak of Beauty, we speak of a state in which pain and sorrow are non. It is a state of wellbeing.

Can you now better recognize Father's Way of Beauty and distinguish it from the world's distortion?


  • position of the body
  • state of mind, behavior, or conduct
  • Syn. Attitude, position, posture, and pose refer to the physical aspect of a body, and by extension, to a mental outlook. Attitude is a position of body assumed consciously or unconsciously, expressing a feeling of mind; hence it may refer to the feeling itself.

From the dictionary, we learned Beauty is the quality of attitude that pleases or gratifies by its harmony, pattern, excellence, or truth.

So when we speak of Beauty, we speak of a position of the body, a state of mind / behavior / conduct, a mental outlook or feeling that brings the rewards of Abundance and freedom from anxiety, pain, doubt, and sorrow. We speak of an attitude that brings feelings of enjoyment, delight, satisfaction, fulfillment because it is Harmonious, Excellent, and Truthful.

In Father's Way, Beauty is indeed a most wonderful state of being and of Creation. Abundance, Joy, Peace, Delight, Nourishment all available not through another, but through the attitude we choose.

From the dictionary we also learned that Beauty is the quality of objects and sound that please or gratify by their harmony, excellence, or truth.

Sound, as we discovered in my last posting is to have all organs / faculties complete and in normal action and relation. This is to say then that Beauty is also a state of health that brings the rewards of Abundance and freedom from anxiety, pain, doubt, and sorrow. It is a state of health that brings forth feelings of enjoyment, delight, satisfaction, fulfillment because it is based on Harmony, Excellence, and Truth.

Sound can also be found in music and in our surroundings. When we speak of music, think of your inner music, the music you Play. Does the music you Play reward you with a state of Abundance and Peace? Is it Harmonious, Excellent, and Truthful? Does it evoke feelings of enjoyment, delight, and satisfaction? Or does it tell you it all depends on that "special someone"? What about your surroundings? What kind of sounds are you surrounded by? What is the sound of progress and civilization?

Let's look at the word "object".


  • One who or that which is the focus or center of thought, action, etc.

When we speak of Beauty, we also speak of the nature of that which is our focus or center of thought. In a Mystical and Magical Life, our focus and center of thought would be Harmonious and based on Truth. The suspense and curiousity the Mysteries of Life would arouse, would certainly make this Lightheartedly easy. Mystery would help us focus on that which evokes feelings of enjoyment, delight, and satisfaction. It would bring Abundance and Peace.


Creation makes it easy and fun to grow in our Spiritual Journey.

As you can see, Beauty is not something / someone you lust or something / someone that is used to seduce / entice you. Instead, Beauty is something you are. It is a state of Being and experience. 

Can you see now why we the People are so attracted to Mystery and Beauty? It is an integral part of our Mystical and Magical Spiritual Journey upon Earth.

Rather than seeking Mystery and Beauty through its adulteration of murder / action / violence and lust (the cookie cutter recipe used by the unrighteous - unholy), it is time to wake up from the false promise and return our focus to Father's Way.

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