Human Endeavor Books

The 'Books of Human Endeavor' are the introductory material to our Spiritual Progression. They are some of the fruits of our uncompromising Love for Universal Truth. Your will find lots of gemstones and / or quotes from our conversations with Father and Source in these books. While some of the concepts addressed are rudimentary, it is through these books that we lay the groundwork, terminology, and foundation needed for the latter books. The Understanding contained in our latter books is Truly Worth awakening to these 'basics'.
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Dreams and Days Cover

Learn a fun and easy way to interpret dreams and events

Read about the challenges Martin and Linda encountered during their first months together

This set of four books is loaded with Divine Guidance

A handy set of two reference booklets to a "Powerful Man"
Dreams and Days Cover
Dreams and Days - Diamonds of your Design (EB-HE-001)
This book by Linda contains a very simple process that allows anyone and everyone to uniquely define and interpret any event and dream in his / her life. All you need is pen, paper, dictionary, and the curiosity to solve your very own (multi-dimensional) mysteries.

Anyone who delights in keeping a diary or interpreting dreams will find this little tool invaluable.

"The Joy of Knowing is so full-feeling (pun intended), that there is no room for self-condemnation."

This book is the corner stone of Linda's and Martin's Endeavor from which 'all springs forth'. Which is to say, they both have used this method very successfully to uncover lots of hidden and valuable information needed to support their Lives and Desire to do things Differently.

You are welcome to visit Martin's BlueStar Blog which contains lots of entries showing the power and depth of this method to unveil not only problems but also the answers needed to solve them.

His Blog compilations "Mystical and Magical," "Spiritual Swimming 101," and "Respect" are excellent examples of what can be accomplished with this simple process revealed to Linda.

102 pages
Learn a fun and easy way to interpret dreams and events
The Narrow Path (EB-HE-002)

In the "Narrow Path", Martin shares the story of how he and Linda came together and made the choice to leave the world behind so as to learn to place the Divine first in their lives. This story is told from Martin's viewpoint and it is written in an unique style used only for this book.

This book contains 18 color photographs and some of their first Conveyances from Father.

157 pages

Read about the challenges Martin and Linda encountered during their first months together
Quadripartite (EB-HE-003)

Through this set of four books, you can embark on a journey of expansion of awareness that has the purpose of supporting your awakening to and Living from your Divine Nature. This series is full of quotes from Father.

In "Life and the 'game of circularity'" you will receive Understanding and Knowledge that will help you move from the death and destruction of the 'game of circularity' to the Joy of Life.

111 pages

In "A Powerful Man" humankind's progression in spiritual understanding is addressed from an unique perspective that allows the distorted concepts of worldly love and worldly power to be explored. Then, your awareness is directed to the Divine Attributes of Love, Power, and Creativity. The qualities of the Powerful Being that you are, as well as suggestions on how to allow that which is already Divine Within you to come forth are also explored.

131 pages

In "A Refinement" Light is shed on several subtle distortions that are designed to further inhibit the journey of those individuals who Honestly seek Divine Truth in their Lives. In this book, Knowledge that is essential to Living in Honor and Virtue is brought forward.

190 pages

In "Soul Awakening" another level of understanding is brought forth regarding the dark energies that have beset humankind and Knowledge is shared to help you be Free of these influences. In so doing, you will receive the opportunity to welcome your First Righteous Endeavor and prepare yourself for the experience of your Feeling Tones.

156 pages

This set of four books is loaded with Divine Guidance
Companion Books (EB-HE-004)

This is a companion to "A Powerful Man," and consists of two books:? "Companion to a Powerful Man" and "Companion to a Powerful Woman" so you can share this process with someone of a like mind.

Each book contains a description of the qualities of a Powerful Being written in the first person, as well as the chapter 'Making it happen - A Paradigm Changer'. It is a handy reference to support your contemplation or to strengthen your choices in times of need.

44 pages

A handy set of two reference booklets to a "Powerful Man"
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