Prayer Books
In the
'Books of Prayer' we share some of the prayers we created to support and
sustain this Heartfelt Journey with Father Which Is in Heaven. These
prayers were designed to help us consolidate what we had been learning
in a concise way suitable for contemplation.
Book of Prayer 1 (EB-BP-001)
Linda and Martin created these Prayers to support their journey with the Father and their Desire to awaken to the awareness of their True Self one Harmonious Function with the Divine.
Each of the five Prayers compiled in this book is amply explained and contains many gemstones of precious information that expand the understanding of such things as the Father, Source, and All That Is; the silver, golden, and luminescent threads; the temple rooms; and much more.
Quotes from Father are used throughout the book.
113 pages
Interesting Prayers for interesting times... full of interesting information...
Contemplation Prayer to Enter the Kingdom (EB-BP-002)
This book is the result of Linda's Desire to Know the original Intent of the 'Lord's
Prayer'. It is a parallel to the 'Lord's Prayer' given in today's
terminology, while taking current issues into consideration.
21 pages
An 'updated' take on the 'Lord's Prayer' sure to give you something to think about
- 1