Welcome of the Father

Entries in this blog were made by Linda Diane during her journey with Martin. While Linda left the material plane in 2014, her entries remain quite pertinent. Many of them are based on Knowledge received through her ability to Commune with Father Which Is in Heaven and later Source (the Creative / Receptive Principle of Creation.) Feel welcomed to browse this blog to your Heart's content or visit the online store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say we leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you.

Martin (Blog Admin)


herbs are not medicine

Not long ago Father said to me, "herbs are not medicine". What did this say to me? It is to say plants, trees, shrubs are not medicine, they are food. Martin was first to become stressed that our "food supply" is so limited in variety. The seed catalogs and stores have such a limited number of "food" seeds that Martin could see a need for "broadening our horizons". As I looked through Richter's herb catalog for the past several years, I began to realize they note that in other counties (perhaps of origin), what we are receiving as herbs are utilized as food.

One could deduce from that herbs are food. So there we have it! There is a whole world of more unusual food available out there. It is our firm belief that a varied diet will maintain health. This would, of course be a huge blow to a certain industry that drains the resources of The People as they become weaker.

Perhaps it is time to consider incorporating new-old foods into our meals and health back into our lives.

On a SunShiny day, may Peace, Joy and Love fill your day !

time is relative

Have you ever started your day over again? For many, many years I have found it to be a very beneficial thing to do. It is never too late to start your day over, unless it has become the next day. Of course, when does the next day begin? Father tells us it is at SunRise.

To begin your day again is usually a response to having a "bad day". After all who would want to take a chance on starting again when it is a "good day"? To begin again is very simple, you state your intent to start over and put a smile on your face.

This is to turn your internal process to Peace, Joy and a Light Heart.  As I have often suggested, keep a little bottle of "magic bubbles" around to bring smiles to all.

On a SunShiny day filled with bubbles of Joy !

water everywhere

Sprouting is a nutritious source of fresh vegetable matter. However, it is important to obtain "clean" seed. Ventilation is important to keep fungus out. Since fungus has become a problem in many grains, clean seed is of utmost importance. Having seed with no little creepy-crawly things is good too. If such seed can be obtained, this is an excellent source of nutrition where there can be no garden. It does require a pure water supply on a steady basis. If the water can be filtered it increases the amount that must be available.

It is wise to test your water filters before emergency need. I heard Jim McCanney "the science guy" say that some filters in Iowa were not satisfactory when used during past flooding. Muddy water adds to the load on the filters. Of course, Holly Deyo mentioned a pre-filter of a white towel used with one end in a pail of muddy water and the other end in a lower pail to filter out mud. The filtered water would flow through the towel. Then the water could again be filtered with more standard filters. It would be wise to keep towels rinsed clean of soapy residue for just this purpose.

If you are using rain water, remember, you especially need a filter. The particulate matter was called "acid rain" when it was first publicized. It is worse now. Some few cities have been bold enough to publish lists of what is found in the air and rain since spraying is so intense. I'm sure an internet search will provide such lists.

Prepare and Pray. It is of utmost importance to keep focus with The Father. To keep one's Desire for Truth active doesn't mean to ignore the circumstances. If you are snowed in on the east coast, you still need food and water and the abundance of The Father. And perhaps some insight as to where you should be. Perhaps it is there, or perhaps somewhere else. There will probably be difficulty everywhere as the Sun comes to point of departure. Perhaps preparing in place is your answer.

Even through the tears, I choose The Father.

On a SunShiny Day, may Peace and Joy come your way !

amazing Grace

Sometimes I am amazed at the Grace The People receive. I am great-full to join the many calls to prepare that have been unnecessary.

It is the case that we still seek to maintain a water and food reserve regardless of apparent conditions. I will admit I had to look up the definitions for "red herring" this morning, since I only knew what a "red flag" event is. The results are:

  • red herring(n.) any diversion intended to distract attention from the main issue
  • red herring(n.) a dried and smoked herring having a reddish color
  • red herring(n.) a first draft of a prospectus : must be clearly marked to indicate that parts may be changed in the final prospectus
  • from Ask Jeeves search

The italics are not mine, the color is. My experience with the Father would indicate this is the definition one would use for the call to act. For it is the case that the "final prospectus" is Of The Father. The People will never know if there was an unrighteous - unholy plan for Birmingham that came to naught by the Will of The Father and Universal Law.

For myself I say, I am great-full.

On a SunShiny Smiley day, have Peace and Joy !


events re: Birmingham, AL

It is a strange thing regarding prophets--they are required to be 100% accurate in speaking for "god" and "god" is required to never change his mind. Therefore you may, in Truth, say we are no prophets. However, this day Father Which Is In Heaven asked us to immediately issue a call to the Faithful who Desire Truth in the Father Way, specifically in Birmingham, AL to ask for direction and safety in the event of a "red herring" radiation disaster.

Father may be saying that a supply of safe water needs to be stored in a place protected from radiation where The People would shelter.

The most important thing is to secure as large a water supply as possible, pre-bottled or any container that can be filled with water and placed where it and they are protected from radiation.

Immediate action is needed. All available resources / containers would be used to secure the water. Jars, pots, cans, money to purchase water, even though The People might be hungry as their food is stretched for the necessary time, water is the urgency. Remember to pray, if sheltered, for the expansion of the water and food in The Father's Abundance.

It is diffusing The Father's Energy to pray for the greater water supply and to 'be spared" from the red herring. It is better to Pray and prepare individually for availability and inspiration. One cannot know the heart of another, unless it is given by The Father, therefore one does not know how to pray for another unless it is given by The Father.

Preparation is never "wasted". When advised of The Father, it is in fact wise. We have seen many events never come to pass that we prepared for and in this we were Blessed. We, however, never stop following Father's direction and giving Thanks when Grace is received.

As the SunShines in Father's Grace and Abundance, Trust--continue in Faith.


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you can use the link to your right for A Changing Horizon or the website.

Some thoughts on progressive earth changes are proposed there. If the cleansing in Haiti is done, the Philippines are next. It seems the turmoil of last year has abated there and has settled into a simple drought. Ironic that a country surrounded by so much water has so many disasters with regard to water--from too much to not enough. How does the inundation of salt water affect the land? They say salted land will not grow food.

Give creative consideration to your garden this year. Think of growing some vining plants vertically in ways you might not have tried before. Consider pots and planters. Consider edible landscaping. It is amazing how beautiful some food plants are. Plant a tree or shrub that bears fruit you can eat, as well as appreciate the blossoms or privacy they provide.

Remember herbs are food. Many weeds are food too.  If there is no room for a blueberry patch, use a pot. The miniature blueberry plants are beautiful.

On a SunShiny day consider The Father Way. In Peace, Joy and Love.

give or deny

In talking about Love as Rapture and that it is what you are, not some commodity to be given, sold, or traded, many People believe they must deny their Love. Suppressing the Love one is creates unwanted physical effects. Increasing the physical barrier is one, and decay is another, with probably many variations and nuances.

Finding a balance so as to experience Love in increasing capacity is something untaught and for which there is no role model. Ask The Father for Truth, give Thanks that this Truth is given to you, and wait. As your Desire is strong, it is so.

On a SunShiny day, may bubbles of Love fill your day !

what then?

We currently see no examples of children who remain connected to The Father. We currently see no parents who express their Self of Rapture, Rhapsody, Power and Plan. (see previous blogs) Therefore, how does one hear The Father?

Mary Baker Eddy came the closest to understanding (that I am aware of). She said 'angels are "God's" thoughts passing to man'. As The Father has brought to my understanding, certain angels were given to The People in response to their Desire for The Father after they had turned their attention from Him to the calls from the unrighteous - unholy. When The People recognized the mistake and Desired return to their connection to The Father, because The Father could no longer be heard, He sent certain angels, who "spoke" to The People on a feeling level, for Him.

The People cannot focus in two places at the same time. If their choice is not clearly and firmly for The Father, it is for unrighteous - unholy. This is truly a "black and white,"  choice, there is no gray area. It is one or the other. This is the time to recognize your choice. There is no mix and match; a little of this in with that.

What is your ideal? Where can you begin to make active and present your ideal? What attachment to unrighteous - unholy are you ready to place on the altar? What deception have you recognized and place on the Altar? (see previous blogs)

May this SunShiny day bring small changes your way !

parental ideal

Among the ideas we have been sharing, is the "ideal" of Love. Ideally, each parent would BE Love (Rapture) and they would "radiate" Love so that their child(ren) would experience parental Love as an expression of who the parent is, rather than some commodity to be given and taken.

When innate Love (Rapture) is replaced with the necessity to be given away with hope of receiving in return, The Person (child) becomes dis-connected from The Father, and all the abundance of The Father is squandered on seeking parental Love. This becomes the only way of relating a child understands. It is then carried into "mature" relationships based on lust -- still seeking parental approval and love without recognizing the origin of this mistaken desire.

This mistake is something that when recognized can be placed on the Altar of Divine Love in exchange for Truth. And the Truth is, each Person IS Love / Rapture. This is the trip to the "temple" where childish things (mistakes) are "put away" or cast out and the choice for The Father is made.

Perhaps as you consider this, you may find your ideal revealing itself, or your Self.

On a SunShiny day filled with bubbles of Joy !

a further comment on angels

Do you Trust your intuition? Do you think you have intuition? Are you a man who thinks it is for women and you "go with your gut"? Have you ever considered it is a "gift" of angels, to have intuition?

Perhaps intuition is a Divinely given angel speaking to you. Just a thought to consider this day.

Have a SunShiny Smiley day !

angels: fact and fiction

Are angels real? Father Which Is In Heaven told us, in the beginning of our journey, to not concern ourselves with angels. So of course we didn't. Then some time ago, The Father brought to our attention the fact angels of a Divine / Celestial nature are "real". Each kind of angel has specific functions / purpose in the lives of The People. This is a Truth we once Knew in fullness. It is now a re-discovery process for us. Our main objective is Truth, therefore we give attention to ending assumptions and await Truth from The Father.

Two types of angels have been revealed to us by Father and it has been a surprising  adventure. It would seem that only as I am able to receive information from The Father in new ways, is it possible to bring progression in Truth. I completely understand this process doesn't make previous understanding "wrong", just more "basic". Such as learning math.

It is also the case that The Father said those who came to earth and were called "fallen angels" are simply what we call them, the unrighteous - unholy.

This is to say that in Truth, those Angels who come to us must be of Divine origin - purpose. Use discernment, test, ask the Father for Truth to be revealed. Trust, in this instance, must be "earned", not freely given. Remember that Truth may be small, in the midst of all you want to hear, or Truth may be large with the deception in "small print".

On a grrrreat SunShiny day may Sparkles of Joy come your way !

role model

Do you still look to your biological father, or his surrogate for love? Is he your "role model" for receiving love? Is he your "role model" for strength, wisdom, love, respect, truth, appreciation, as a man expresses these things? Do you find, in Truth, there is no man who expresses these qualities with Honor?

Perhaps it is time to look to The Father Which Is In Heaven for a "role model" of these qualities. It is possible to experience The Father directly, if you Desire and Ask to do so, with the confidence (Faith) it will be so.

Then, it is possible to find these qualities within yourself, neither looking to be given them, nor to give them. (Perhaps to give and be given in marriage is a trap). Through this, it is possible, then, to Know your Self.

On a SunShiny day, filled with sparkling bubbles of Joy !

transition to Love

Today is traditionally considered to honor love. Of course in the deception it is more lust. Of utmost important consideration is how does one transition from love to Love? Or as the Father has said Rapture is a more accurate term than Transcendent Love. Rapture, then, would NOT be for us to be taken into the sky by ET's who can't even save themselves.  But, back to the point, how does love as we understand it transition to Rapture?

It seems to me that our capacity to Love is increased when we experience our  awareness of Love in our experience of others, like filling a balloon with air, which is then flexible and pliable. That is to say, not rigid or immobile. When pushed it returns to its  form and function with no attention to mis-direction.

There are many reasons to hold on to the familiar, no matter how unpleasant the familiar may be. There is great fear to choose the un-familiar, no matter how we long for it. When we allow The Father to re-build our foundation of Truth, Trust, Faith, in Strength and Wisdom, we can progress to image-in a world where we are LOVE / Rapture which can be restored on Earth. It is the world of Truth, of our Celestial Spiritual Nature. It is the world in which The Father walks. He said I can call it Heaven.

May your day be filled with the abundant SunShine of Heaven, here and NOW !

low tech / high tech

Gardening advice recently reminded me, not only early, mid, late season varieties, but local varieties. That is, those which do well in your growing latitude, geographical features. Variety is a key element. Non-hybrid, NON gmo, open pollinated, Heirloom too. Even if you purchase packets, save some. Even one or two plants will multiply your seed in dramatic ways.

As we were talking about exotic fruit juices from the grocery the other day, I thought with anticipation of the growing season, but many of these fruits come from warm locations. Some creative thought and often "found" materials can re-Source your needs for sheltering those plants you consider most beneficial. It's amazing how much re-Source material is available if you just ask. Many very old building techniques still produce working results which you might consider highly effective. Low-tech building materials can get high tech results. We may have reached the point we are forced into the proper focus in technological advancement for our planet. Plastic was not part of our Divine Plan.

There are shapes and materials that are naturally stronger and environmentally more durable than others. Researching them can be exciting as you discover and your creative nature is stimulated with new ways of perceiving.

May the SunShine Light your days with anticipation and Joy !

resistance is futile

When one has asked The Father for the end of unrighteous - unholy activity in them through casting out / purging, to resist the experience of that energy moving out is just plain "awful". Resistance holds the unrighteous - unholy energy (pain, nausea, sorrow, etc,) at the surface and one appears to have become ill.

"Resistance is the spiritual thing to do, because spiritual people don't get sick. Or, the truth is so awful, the deception is better." Lots of deception holds the unrighteous - unholy energy at the surface. The important thing to realize is:

  • When you ask The Father to take all "foreign" energy from you, it won't feel good for the moment it leaves you.
  • Give Thanks to the Father for the end of unrighteous  - unholy energy that has been trapped in you.
  • Recognize resistance and pray for The Father's assistance in quickly moving out the "awful" energy, which at sometime had entered through injury, illness, trauma, and so forth.
  • In a brief moment the energy should leave you. Give Thanks that you are filled with Truth of your Self, The Love you are.
  • If the unpleasantness continues, you might want to seek intervention of herbs, nutrition, or even medical. It is important to recognize the difference between energy moving out in healing and energy moving in through unrighteous - unholy attack. The medical field is just beginning to address the problem of parasites in this country. "Worms in your brain" is more than a Star Trek movie problem. Yes, this is to say, the unrighteous - unholy use them just like the movie, for more than just control of actions.

This may all sound a bit sci-fi, however, "do what works." Ignore what doesn't fit. If traditional medicine is your "savior" -- research parasites. Treat illness as you believe. Just remember, asking The Father to end the trauma stored in your body will, for one moment look really painful, but then it's gone. Give Thanks. Resistance is futile because it inhibits the healing action of The Father.

Find Truth in all you do. If these thoughts bring Truth, then Joy to you. If you disagree, then ignore all you read. Do what is in accord with Truth in you.

On a SunShiny day filled with laughter and bubbles of Joy, may you find Truth !

contact considerations

Recently watching "Contact" for the ?th time, one of the assessments I made clarified prior confusion. They were saying:

  • There is no God
  • There is only extraterrestrial life
  • Only extraterrestrial life ends loneliness
  • We did not knock on your door to be let in -- you called us in

Not one of the points is true, except that "god" is their term. There is Father Which Is In Heaven, sometimes referred to as God.

There is also Source and Gloriosa, or All That IS. In addition there is abundant Life in all the Universes.

Loneliness is a construct of the image projection, which was illustrated quite effectively on the Pensacola Beach. The image projection held her "captive" to their projection and her "safety" depended on it. In Truth, when we walk outside the image projection as our True Self, in Love / Rapture, there is no loneliness. Thereby, loneliness never was.

Any call being sent out from this planet is being sent by them to secure escape from Universal Law. Through their image projection they did, in fact call us, or knock on the door of their projection. As we turned our attention to them, they were able to enter.

When the deception is presented in such a desirable, pretty package, it is difficult to understand Truth. We are all then, "confused". Confusion is deception. Clarity is Simply Divine.

May the SunShine Light your day with Truth and bubbling Joy !

overnight downloads

Some would ridicule the idea that an active computer gives one bad dreams. However, experimentation leads to the theory that, overnight downloads allow "blueray" similar signals to penetrate the brain with movies, or projections, targeted to the neighborhood.

How many children have net or note books in their bedroom? How many adults have a laptop in their bedroom? Perhaps a blueray television? Are they having "bad dreams"? I would recommend for anyone having them to remove any blueray devices from the sleeping area and to especially not let them run while sleeping.

In Europe it was common to reduce or eliminate the electricity flow in sleeping areas overnight. Have you tried it? Very peaceful !

Have sweet dreams, and a Sunny day !


There are many ways we falsely define our sense of identity. Two examples are:

  • We look to a specific person and receive our identity from them because we gave it away to gain "love" from them.
  • We look to our sense of place for our identity, such as being "mountain folk". Which is different on the east coast, the Rockies, the west coast. Or like Dorothy, the Plains of Kansas identify who we are.

Who we are, what our interests are, what our music is, are all identified by mostly external demographics. The single most significant false belief of who we are is determined by the person to whom we give our Love away. Whatever their perception of us is, what is given in return, is who we believe we are. Whether it is their expression of love or disrespect, or demeaning, or degrading, hostile, or demanding, it takes precedence over our innate understanding of who we are.

Until a saturation point is reached, in which it seems as though the opposition to Truth of our beauty and Divine Nature, is greater than our belief in our Self. This is the  "sink or swim" point at which we must recognize the Truth and recognize as false, the image projection, whether derived from within the projection, or by means of the projection. This is where we must step out of the projection into Truth of our Self, the planet, and the Divine.

The Father says "Truth is NOW. Truth is before you. Truth is Simple".

May the SunShine of Truth Light your day, and the breeze carry bubbles of Joy your way !

The two r's and two p's

Identifying Self is simple. You are Love, which Father calls Rapture.  You are a wave of musical tones called Rhapsody. You are Sovereign in The Father which is called Power. You are an independent musical composition which is part of the Plan, or a part of the Universal Musical Composition.

Simply put: you are The Rapture, The Rhapsody, The Power, The Plan. To know your Self by this measure is to Know The Father.

This Truth is directly with / in front of you. It is to experience the earth in Truth. Truth is beyond the veil of image projection. Truth is NOW.

May the SunShine Light the Truth of your Self, NOW !

did I mention shrubs ?

While the snow flies and the wind blows, catalogs arrive, which all gardeners mention with great affection. Nursery catalogs have a vast array of shrubs -- fruiting shrubs. If beauty and landscaping is your goal, why not include food and health? Do you take seabuckthorn? What about goji berry or some other trendy fruit or juice? Why not grow your own supply of very expensive juice? Have some fresh berries and can some juice. You remember basements full of canning jars -- in the movies, of course? Dried goji berries run easily 13.00 per pound, yet they are prolific bearers and reproducers. One berry contains several seeds, which is to say several new plants / shrubs.

In limited space, grow mini-plants. Blueberries in pots, lemon, lime, fig, orange, olive. Make these exotic house plants a source of tropical health and food in your sunny room.

On a day filled with SunShine of abundance, some food for thought !

flowers and herbs

Do you take Evening Primrose Oil? Do you take borage oil? Have you considered growing these flowers in your garden this summer? Do you believe the whole plant product is more beneficial than isolated, standardized doses of pharmaceutical type herbs?

As weather, social circumstances, geological events, increase price and decrease availability, growing your own plants becomes your best investment in your future. Not only are many herbs food plants, they are medicinal. It has been many years since I received the "shock" of learning that pharm synthetics are based in plant healing. Now I am a major proponent of "grow it yourself".

A few good reference books, a good catalog, such as you can receive from


and you are well on your way to growing a renewable source of health, and nutrition. Have you considered edible flowers in your salad. Nasturtiums were my first flower in a salad. I sure did miss them when summer was over. A section of your garden just for edible flowers would help encourage their use. Evening Primrose is a beautiful garden flower and the best source of those hard to get "good oils".

I personally avoid plants with "poisonous" parts. If I feel there are a few who have such great benefit from other "parts", I believe they should be fenced and posted, so as to keep children and pets away from them and inform adults.

Remember to harvest a few of your best plants for seed.

In the SunShine of The Father's abundance, may your garden begin !

a Wise Walk

Everyone has heard : Money is power. However, it is very different to walk in The Father Way of Power. Power is of The Father. It is spiritual progression to walk in the Power of The Father and to receive the Re-Sources of that Power. Through extensive opportunity to choose to ask The Father what is Righteous and Holy use of His Re-Sources, therefore His Power, the time will come, in which, "practice has made a Wise Walk."

May your day receive the SunShine of an abundantly Wise Walk !


A recent clarification came from my concern regarding the contrast between two talk show guests. The first one was  disrespectful, demeaned the host,  and appeared to have followed in the footsteps of someone who "sold-out" for a moment of fame - money was not his concern. In contrast to this, the second guest conducted himself with respect,  sincerity, and an obvious fear for his well being. At the same time, he made it clear he had had a gigantic financial need just before relocation and seclusion of his research.

On the surface it was rather easy to establish the unrighteous - unholy choice of the first guest. It was the second guest who troubled me. There were many signs of moral indictment in his work, yet he was sooo sincere and respectful (and fearful regarding coming events). On the surface he appeared to be concerned and compassionate for the well being of The People.

It was only through The Father's Vision and Wisdom I could understand a very important refinement. Sincerity is not necessarily equal to choosing All Righteous and Holy activity / expression. I had never recognized the deception which says, "to be sincere is to choose the Divine". Father corrected my perception that the sincerity of concern expressed by this guest was for the People. Father presented the possibility the sincere concern being expressed by the second guest was due to Universal Law acting to cleanse the earth of unrighteous - unholy activity and that his participation could also be scheduled for cleansing.

Sincerity is NOT a test of choosing the Way of Father Which Is In Heaven.

Pray for greater discernment, TRUTH, and Wisdom. And it will come.

In the SunShine of The Father's Love, may Truth find you this day !


With editorial assistance by Martin.

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