Welcome of the Father

Entries in this blog were made by Linda Diane during her journey with Martin. While Linda left the material plane in 2014, her entries remain quite pertinent. Many of them are based on Knowledge received through her ability to Commune with Father Which Is in Heaven and later Source (the Creative / Receptive Principle of Creation.) Feel welcomed to browse this blog to your Heart's content or visit the online store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say we leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you.

Martin (Blog Admin)


faster than expected

Earth changes are happening faster than expected when we posted the new Showay Short Story. There has been a lapse of days between events, until now. In the past week, some forecasters have also mentioned events listed in Showay. I would expect the weather attack on the Hopi was not from Universal Law, since Father has never spoken of such an attack on them. In these times, only the unrighteous - unholy centers are set for cleansing. This does not say that all who dwell there are unrighteous - unholy. It is to say who you are in the midst of determines your experience.

Pray for discernment of Truth, watch for confirmation of your answers, look for respect of all Life and ask for Truth again. Walk in The Father Way and act when He brings  you the opportunity to do so.

Seal your garden seeds in a tin can until the moment to use them. Seal matches in tin cans until you need them. Reading about latrine needs in Haiti, confirms the inspiration I received when asking what more durable means of waste containment could I obtain, than a 5 gal plastic pail with seat. A portable potty chair for invalids with a small metal trash can receptacle was the answer. There is always digging a small hole and filling it in after use. Remember the "Humanure Handbook". Composting is REQUIRED to render the waste matter inert from disease and parasites. Parasite cleansing should be in your preparation supplies, also.

There is much Biblical precedent for preparation. The abundant years are most probably past, however preparation is still possible in the abundance of The Father. The hardware stores have seeds in now, and Menard's is carrying some organic seed. Still check for NON-HYBRID seed. It's better not to be surprised on what the seed will grow for you next year.


offers a complete garden, with seed that should provide a well balanced diet and enough for storage. The "must have" books are offered there too.

On a day filled with SunShine of The Father's abundance, Joy-fully prepare !

more seeds for thought

Recently I received seeds from


It was so fun to open the box and find so many little brown packets of non-hybrid, non-gmo, seeds! Geri Guidetti, Director of The Ark Institute is a well informed Person, concerned, compassionate and dedicated to her mission of making people independent regarding food. She has a new system available for small spaces, including the square inch book. It is designed for even RV living.  Geri was a popular guest on talk shows around 2000, but has found a need to be selective for radio appearances, since people attach peripheral information to the guest's info. If you do get a chance to hear Geri, it is worth doing. Check her website for lots of good information as well as ordering.

You can do it ! Right where you are. The fun and taste treasure of "vine ripened" in your own home, (travel or stationery) is almost as exhilarating as Magic Bubbles !

In the SunShine of The Father's Love, have a day "ripe" with Joy !  

dimension ?

It has often been said that it is spiritual to love those who hate you.  The Truth is, that  it is spiritual to BE LOVE. To return love to those who hate is to give Father's  re-Sources to the unrighteous - unholy. To give YOUR LOVE away depletes you.  You no longer KNOW who you are. If you receive the hate in return, you are holding hate within the space Love should have been.


Hate, unrighteous - unholy is an image projection. To seal the door where they dwell is not to close the door on another dimension as they have taught us. The Truth is, that it is an image projection which we gave our attention to and thereby activated it.

TRUTH is BE LOVE. Period. Anything else is NON. Focus, give attention to Truth, and All Is.

Have a SunShiny day with bubbles of laughter !


If we are told the Light is white, but it comes from a red star, what color is white? If we are refracting red Light into a spectrum what are the colors of white light? If our Star was in fact yellow, what is the spectrum of yellow? Are they telling us all Stars emit white Light regardless of the wave frequency of the Star?

These and other questions would require more time than I have for my dial-up connection to find them. What do you suppose The Father will say? Do people on dial-up receive different search results than people with DSL or T1?

Does anyone care if the spectrums of red, yellow, white Light are different? I do. Do you know where to find the answer?

On a SunShiny day of Light, have bubbles of fun !


cast your eyes

Biblically, the words are used "cast your eyes". Those words are significant. Modern language would say "where you put your attention." Most often, one literally looks where their attention is. Consider making this a day where you put your attention on The Father. "Look" to Him in all you see, say, all action.

"See" what a day with your attention on The Father brings. "See" The Father as the active Principle in your Life this day.

Have a SunShiny day full of the Joy the Father brings !

a seven day

The time has come when Martin and I felt inspired to write about the same information from The Father. As always with such extremely different styles, you should find both interesting.

Today, being a seven day, invited examination of how the Father Plan would fit the day's activities. It is a day of creative expression, mostly on an individual basis, with exclusive focus on what is Divine in Nature, Truth, Principle, and especially Joy.

Magic Bubbles always bring a joyful smile to faces and they seem to encourage the creative urge. When you are ready for a creative day, see if they bring creative energy bubbling to the surface for you.

A seven day is a look-within day. What is Divinely Creative within you? Throw off old standards of "art"--what is creative to you? Creativity is simple, simple Joy, simple pleasure. Have a fun filled seven day, of creative expression in the Presence of The Father, for He appreciates all that is creative in you.

Have a SunShiny day filled with bubbles of Joy ! 


Changes have begun on our website: www.BlueStarWay.com.

Things are progressing rapidly. Not only earth changes, but changes for The People.  Now is the time to act on the Divine Inspiration you are given. Remember, the test of DIVINE Inspiration is whether it respects all Life. Deception has no Honor, Respect, it uses Truth to deceive you by "wrapping" the deception in Truth so you ignore the little contradictory sentences. I heard a replay of a radio show recently which did just that regarding the Marshall Protocol. But here it was little Truths amidst the greater deception. This could have raised sorrow because an important factor in their protocol was to avoid the Sun. This is saying to avoid the Father, which is to invite decay in.

Each Person must take this to prayer and examine it for Truth. The strong Desire for Truth will prevail. Now is the time to choose The Father Way, regardless of choices others make. Use Discernment and Wisdom in your choices. Just as the story of three priests praying in church survived unharmed the bombing of Japan, wherever you are, have Faith in The Father and be unavailable to what is unrighteous - unholy. Make the deception of a door through which they enter NON. Ask the Father to cast them out and seal the door until they and the door are NON for you.

There is no need for anything unlike the Divine to be present to you, in these times of change. Choose a Smile . . . the Peaceful-Joyful-Love-Light Smile. Choose the SunShine. Choose to Be LOVE.

On a Blessed Day full of SunShine abundance !


Showay short story

On a SunShiny Radiant day, may your Peaceful-Joyful-Love-Light Smile Bless you with Knowledge of your Self !

Martin posted a "Showay" short story on the website yesterday. Two days from Father's unexpected information to posting. Great job Martin !

As always, this information from Father is difficult for me to speak. However, with Martin's patience, we got it written. The few friends and family who did the early  reviews of our material had expressed a preference for Martin's "fun" style of writing, rather than the more direct transcription with commentary. Therefore, to reach a more interested audience, we decided to make this a Showay story.

To read the PDF file click on the image below.

A Changing Horizon

In The Father Way have a Great, SunShiny day !

putting pieces together

Soul entrapment is not a new concept. We have touched around the edges of it on this blog. It is time to combine three concepts for a fuller understanding. The concepts are: dimensions, rooms, and nourishment.

I have mentioned nourishment from The Father is particles carried on the Solar Wind. These particles are minerals, crystals, water, metals and so forth. These particles originally entered our body directly upon the SunShine falling upon our head - our "crown and third eye as well as through our eyes." (If you doubt this, look up "scientific evidence" for solar particles that penetrate all "solid" matter.) This nourishment is abundantly available to everyone when the skies are not scummed by the unrighteous - unholy. No plant or animal material is needed for sustaining outstanding health and well being.

However, when it seems our Divine nourishment is siphoned off and we are sustained on residue, we believe we are experiencing malnourishment, ill health, hunger, disease, death, decay. Perhaps as I have touched on this, you have wondered how this could take place. The Father has repeatedly said, understanding how the unrighteous - unholy deceive us is not the Way to Truth. As one of The People experiencing the deception, it still seems as though understanding helps make change to Truth. Perhaps it is the case that, to embrace Truth directly requires greater Faith than I am experiencing.

The deception of a "room", often used in meditative imagery, where we will find Truth, is in fact the "box" we are challenged to think outside of. This box / room is the deception of entrapment of the soul. It is the place from which we do not seek escape because we are "safe" there. It is the place they do not enter because they could become trapped there as easily as we were. This does not make it safe. They do, in fact, stand at the door to our entrapment holding it open so the solar wind flows through and into their halls and tunnels, carrying away the abundance of The Father which was given to nourish and sustain The People.  We seek to create a storage area or storehouse in the box / room to increase our supply, but it just seems to vanish as quickly as it comes, carried on the solar wind out the "door".

Our abundance, then, can be re-stored when we recognize there is no door, and no room. That is, no passage into their deception and no entrapment in their deception. Their deception is an image projection in which apparent starvation of the brain causes "designer hallucinations." Since nourishment of the brain comes from the Solar Wind, the stop-gap measure of vitamins and herbs is temporary. Casting the unrighteous - unholy away from the door and sealing the door is also a temporary measure.

It is through Universal Truth and creatively forming an ideal of All That Is Righteous and Holy (called functional creativity) one dissolves the deception of entrapment and walks free upon the land. We recognize the Truth of "if one can conceive it, one can do it".

The Truth is: there is no building. We dwell upon a beautiful, green, safe, planet. We run freely through green fields under blue skies filled with SunShine and puffy clouds.

May Truth nourish your Soul this day, under blue skies and SunShine !

foundation in The Father

As preparation for the next few days, I will review a foundational writing from 2009 regarding our journey with The Father.

"The function, the tools, the means, the manners, of unrighteous - unholy, in no way facilitate the changes of perception and experience which are All Righteous and Holy Opportunity. The Father never judges your ability to understand, or that a less accurate understanding was necessary preparation for more accuracy in your search for Universal Truth.

Not 'settling' for the deception has allowed / facilitated greater, or more accurate, understanding. Due to The Father's non-judgment you are able to progress through the deception, or inaccurate imagery, so as to move closer to Universal Truth, rather than becoming immobilized in regret or guilt or shame or sorrow that you had fallen short of Universal Truth."

In Truth of an ever shining Sun - Star, may your day be lit with Love !

there is a way

Due to popular request (read Martin) I am adding information regarding "sealing the door".The number one best option is still for the door to be NON. (See previous blogs).

Since this change of perception is not easily accomplished at this time, Father provided me an intermediary measure which gives me "space" free from unrighteous - unholy attack, in which I can Know my Self and in which the door becomes and remains NON.

The intermediary measure, which can be expressed in Thanksgiving Prayer,  is to "seal the door where the unrighteous - unholy dwell". (An adaptation of an old Spiritualist Prayer). This allows one the opportunity to come to the Father to know their Self, The Divine Plan, and Him.

  • give thanks to your Guardian Angel and The Father that all unrighteous - unholy presence is cast out of you
  • give thanks that the door to where they dwell, which was opened into you, is sealed
  • give thanks that you are Now filled with Truth of Knowing your Self - the Rapture, the Rhapsody, the Power and the Plan, of Divine Expression   (the Love, the Music, the Power and your Part in the Divine Plan)

May the SunShine of The Father's Grace fill your day with Radiance ! (Ray-dance)


it's OK

It is perfectly acceptable to be where you are. Truth is the most important factor in deciding when to press forward and when to go easy. What, in Truth, do you Desire.  I have seen The Father advise someone to decide whether to press or ease, because either choice receives His Grace. It is a matter of full-filling your Desire.

There is no good or bad, no success or failure, in pressing or easing. Each one is just a choice that fulfills your Desire for a Joyful journey. Know when and what you are ready for. When you are not ready -- ease. When you are ready -- press. The Father judges neither. Just keep smiling the Peaceful-Joyful-Love-Light Smile and choose what is right for you. Traveling In-Joy is the best choice.

Have a Bright SunShiny day !


the star is red

When I was in grade and high school the science teacher told us our Sun is Yellow. So we believed everyone thought our Sun is Yellow. In these eight years Martin and I have received teaching from The Father, He has told us the Sun is Red. It is therefore not surprising scientists have begun to speak of the Sun as Red without apology or explanation.

This seems like a small issue, but it is like saying the world is flat, and then some scientists begin to mention a round earth without apology or explanation. The interesting question is, why lie all those years? What matter would it have been to let us know our Sun is a Red Star, or has it evolved in the past 100 years from a yellow star to a Red Star?

As an energy source, our Red Sun is valuable to those who would turn it into a Red Giant to fuel their needs. This would of course, absorb most of our solar system including earth. Of course, to them (death, decay, destruction) this is acceptable because We The People have been contaminated by darkness.

In Truth, this is all their deception playing out in increasingly limited fashion as We The People increasingly choose The Father and Truth, recognizing the door to deception is NON. In support of our increased Desire for The Father and Truth, I noticed that Pope John XXIII's prophecy for the end of the decade from mother mary and jesus (read the deceivers) neither came to pass, nor does it look as though they are coming to pass. The only thing that is happening, is earth changes due to the Sun's impending orbit shift. The intervention of Universal Law has ended many of "their" plans. Their deception stops here. Gently by our action such as the Peaceful-Joyful-Love-Light Smile or harshly by the intervention of Universal Law. Truth is the Way of The Father. Make your first Desire Truth.

In the SunShine of a Red Star, may your bounty be Blessings of the Father !

the end of poverty entrapment

Finding a balance spiritually, is very difficult for many people. Amidst the prolific deception there is no clear Truth for a person on a spiritual journey. Like a monk (pick your religion) Jesus was presented as a worldly pauper with only spiritual riches, and we are to follow his example. Of course the unrighteous - unholy recognize this doesn't mean them. It is for The People to give unto them so they are the rich ones who become richer.

The Father has clearly stated poverty is NOT Divine. Elegant Simplicity is the Way of The Father. When we are ready The Father calls unto us an angel to amplify our perception of Truth so that we may have the end of poverty entrapment. We will call this angel - AAO.

May your day be Blessed with SunShine of The Father's bounty !

new is ancient

The irony of a few events within a few days has provided quite a bit of laughter for me.  Clif at www.halfpasthuman.com said several months ago that they "see" the future currency as being "seed". Historically, seed is an ancient currency. We have heard of it especially being used to pay "tribute". A few says after I heard Clif say this, my sister gave me an article about a new seed sales store being opened in California. Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds bought a bank building in California to open their second store. The article included pictures of seeds for sale on rustic shelves in the "bank". The irony of it being a literal seed bank was not lost to me. The potential to protect the "new currency" as we now protect money, bordered on hysteria. Is hysterical laughter because something is sooo funny or because we are afraid of what it is saying if it is true?

The Father has constantly reminded us that fear is unrighteous - unholy. There is  nothing Divine in fear. Ironically, they deceived us into the belief fear protects, when in fact fear destroys. Being prepared is not acting from a fear base, it is acting from a place of being informed. How easy it is to grow a small garden this year and save the seed. How often do you throw the tomato or pepper seeds away? Most things you grow will multiply the seeds in amazing ways. Why not store some seed along with your silver or gold coins?

Have a SunShine filled day of Blue Skies !

expect the best - prepare for what comes

Have you noticed the variety of garden seed? Looks about the same everywhere? It is the subtle differences that count. How many days to maturity? Pest resistance, drought resistance, temperature resistance, all count. If you planted one for each event possible, you would have a wide selection of the same old stuff. Plant for early, mid, late season, since the weather is so erratic. At least one should hopefully survive. Plant for a rainy season as well as drought, since you might get both in one growing season. Plant for the coldest possible, warmest possible, and in-between weather. Plant long keepers, short keepers, anything that stores well.

In the home garden, something should survive. Rows are not the best option for planting. The weeding, water use, and excessive effort are more than a beginner can cope with for the whole year. THE WHOLE YEAR ?? !!  Yes, you can garden all year, in all climates. Begin the Joy of learning about seed and gardening now. I'm a NO GMO person. No hybrids--heirloom, open pollinated, are best. Remember, though, if times are rough, saved seed from hybrid seed plants will grow the next year, just different than the original seed.

Remember that radical Japanese farmer who wrote "One Straw Revolution"? You don't have to till the soil to have a garden.  Of course lawns are a special issue.  Remember, that if you stop using chemical, toxic, poisons on your yard this year you will be one year closer to an organic yard. You do have to Love and respect the earth to understand this as the Right and Proper way to garden and how it can possibly be done right there in your city yard.

As the SunShines on your garden, so The Father's Love Shines on you !

give thanks to the right place

Have you ever noticed an unanswered prayer? Have you given Thanks for something that didn't come to pass? Have you asked and not received?

Perhaps you are asking the wrong "person". There are certain things The Father does not do for you. He will not "tell" you who you are. He will not "tell" you what to do. If you ask what you planned in coming here, he will inform you in the beginning. A time does come when you must remember for yourself who you are, what you came here to do, what you "play" in the Celestial Orchestra.

If you seek protection in your dreams and on a slippery road, your Guardian Angel is better asked than The Father, for such things are his / her assigned duty. If you Desire to Know your Self, there is an angel who is assigned to amplify your perception so you may remember. If you Desire a full "storehouse", Source is who to ask. Source and Father are not the same expression of the Creator of All That Is.

Have fun today. In the SunShine of your Peaceful-Joyful-Love-Light Smile, seek Universal Wisdom - Truth of Right and Proper asking ! 

expectation weather

Have you ever noticed how your expectation affects the weather? The more people who listen to a specific report and expect certain weather the more likely it is to occur. Have you begun each day expecting SunShine and nourishment of the Father and seen it come, regardless of the "reports"? Have you expected the rain to come in the early pre-dawn hours and end for the SunRise and seen it come to pass. Have you ever expected a cool breeze on a reportedly hot day and felt it?

The Father's Desire for us is perfect weather. If you have ever lived in a climate of perfect weather you have noticed you never get tired of it, as they have claimed you would do. Perfect weather is variable, Joyful, Light.

Point of Departure will restore perfect balance and perfect weather to earth. In the meantime, Expect the Best ! No matter the reports, the earth and Father can bring your expectations.

In the SunShine of The Father's Love, In-Joy this day !

pixelated ?

Have you noticed your dreams being pixelated, like your tv signal? NOT Divine.  The pixelation occurs more noticeably in type face - printed material in dreams. This is not a dream inspired by The Father. It is not a carry over from television watching, either.  It is a sign that their signal quality is not what they expected it to be, or perhaps it is  to create an audience ready to embrace the next technology due to the poor quality of the "forced" upgrade to digital.

Perhaps the presence of Universal Law for the assessment of unrighteous - unholy activity on earth and our "rights" as spiritual people has caused premature action on their part. We have indeed received noticeable Grace due to the intercessory action of Universal Law. Some people have asked "from whence is coming our help"? We have been receiving it and many pieces of their plan, long predicted have been ended.

Continue to Smile, Pray, Desire Truth, and Seek to know your Self and The Father. These things are making a difference.

On a SunShiny day, In Peace, Love and Laughter, you are finding your Way.

angels ?

Angels are a topic The Father asked us to stay away from for very many years. Recognizing that biblically, fallen angels appeared early on, and recognizing our inexperience in such matters, it seemed like a good idea. After all, how could we tell the difference between the unrighteous - unholy, called fallen angels and the angels who are Divine and support Gloriosa in Love, Peace, Life.

This has become a learning period regarding the angels who are Harmonious with The Father. It is possible there will be a Creative Study available on this in the coming year.  In the meantime, I am finding one benefit of a guardian angel is to guard your dreams. This keeps dreams focused on spiritual Truth and keeps you unreceptive to electronic interference.

May the SunShine of Truth Light your dreams !

The Way, The Truth . . .

Some topics addressed on this blog are icky. That is the way of the deception -- icky. I often think that perhaps it is a dream we can waken from to walk in Truth. Father has said it is as simple as the door being NON. No other Truth is necessary. Complicated is not Divine. In Truth All is Divine.

My goal is to stop the need to understand the unrighteous - unholy and to increase my Desire for Truth. The thought that understanding "them" makes Truth easier, must be a deception. What keeps my attention is what I experience, therefore my attention must be on Truth.

In Truth this day, May SunShine brighten your Way !


Some stress has been present since beginning this blog.  I felt a need to convey some of the teachings from The Father, yet have been directed away from that toward Clarity of Truth. Now that Martin is well under way with BlueStar Blog (accessed from www.BlueStarWay.com/blog ) this has been resolved. His articulate manner was a gift he brought to our journey with The Father. He was to "polish" things I said and make them  available to the majority of people. Martin is outstanding in this. His Blog addresses things I felt needed said, with clarity and an articulate manner.

Now that the stress of divided priority has been lifted, it is my hope and prayer that each day's entry may focus as The Father directs and I may Know what is to be said. There is to be a clear distinction between the two Blogs. I was concerned about "re-hash", but clearly stylistically, if nothing else, that is not the case.

Since my gift is oratory, my writing is very sticatto. Fortunately, Father brought Martin here because his writing style flows. The two Blogs should be complementary and we hope you find them to brighten your day.

As the Sun always Shines, So the Father's Desire for you does !

soul catchers

Have you ever considered what really causes reincarnation? (Yes, it is in the bible.) To the best of my understanding, it is that "they" have a means, (beyond my understanding) to capture our soul. The Father has said it has something to do with our essential energy becoming trapped between the atoms of our body, I think. It's kind of like sci-fi. In their plan we take the parasites with us and return them to "life" in our  next body. Good plan for them. Upon departure there is the greeting by "friends" (also captured) and the "light". These are the true test of heaven, according to "them".

I recently thought that perhaps being trapped in the "hall" they have constructed within our world, is the source of evp recordings. Not tangible to us, but not tangible to their "world".

Father has said to one fearfully delaying departure, to call on Him three times and He will be there for her. Personally, having been in His Presence, I'd rather take my chances with The Father and whichever Heaven he takes me to,  than on entrapment for re-birth into servitude for the unrighteous - unholy.

May the SunShine of Truth brighten your day, In The Father Way !

bowels or womb ?

There is a great difference between the bowels of the earth and the womb of the earth.  Many deceived people are preparing for the earth changes, which are inevitable as the Sun comes to Point of Departure, by going into underground tunnels. This, one would consider to be "the bowels of the earth".

As mentioned in previous blog entries, caves will be as good a choice as they were in past times. Also narrow valleys with SunShine will be acceptable places. Just as cave-like cities were built in the Southwest, with access to SunShine, so modern caves and valleys / canyons need to have SunShine.

Remember water supply and food supply. The People of this land believe ash prepared corn, beans, and squash will be sufficient. Cover your head with non-combustible, preferably earth insulated materials and let the Sun Shine !

May this day be full of SunShine and perfect temperature !

how does one trust dreams ?

Have you been a person who could Trust their dreams? Have your dreams continued to  accurately predict the unrighteous - unholy events on the world screen? How do you know "where" the origin of the dreams is?

There is Truth in the fact The Father will advise of earth events and preparation needs. The Father will advise of action that places us in safety, away from the deception initiated by the unrighteous - unholy. Often the action is suggested without explanation of the Divine Plan behind it. After all, for a mind  trained in and altered by their deception so as to perceive the world through deception, "logic" would ask, why would The Father protect us from something that is NON - just a deception? From reading this blog you might Know why. Do you?

The answer to understanding dreams is in your Desire for Truth. Each day ask the Father if the dream was from Him in Divine Truth, or was it initiated by signals or frequencies broadcast by the unrighteous - unholy, just like radio signals but with video. Would that make them television signals received directly by the brain? Some people are researching how to stop such signals from reaching them.

In the midst of all their chaos, Simplicity Is Divine. Pray to The Father for your dreams each day, and Desire Truth. Make the door of unrighteous - unholy NON. (see previous posts).

May the SunShine of this day bring Truth of Sunny Dreams !


someone to laugh with

Over these days of Peaceful-Joyful-Love-Light Smiling, I have been Blessed to laugh often. It seems that the Smile which heals my body invites laughter into my life. I asked The Father about the healing capacity claimed for laughter in medical matters, and He affirmed that laughter reduces the toxic substance of parasites and their "spit".

I experienced many years of lack in the area of laughter. In relationship, laughter matters. If the sense of humor is incompatible, so is the person. If there is not enough Joy (read laughter), there is not enough in the relationship. When you say to the other person, "You never laugh at anything I say!", you should have already walked the other way. One of the all-time fun movies is "You've Got Mail". The dad asks, "have you ever been with the one person who brings you Joy . . . " This turned on the Light. Profound Wisdom in the least expected places.

May your Sun-Shine days be filled with Joy and Laughter.

a little is a lot

Every time I hear someone say The People are, after all, violent--warlike, I want to tell them NOT SO. The People are Peaceful, Joyful, Love, Life, Wisdom, Truth.  It is those of the deception--the unrighteous-unholy who brought every deception to this planet. As we contemplate the door as NON, we are contemplating ending the deception. As we Desire Truth, piece by piece we receive it.

Just like placing pain on the Divine Altar in exchange for Love can only be done in small amounts, Truth can only be Known in small increments. We must maintain a strong foundation in The Father and to exchange large pieces is precarious. Our stability in The Father is retained by small, Truthful corrections to the false inserts in our Divine Foundation.

Most every one wants a fast fix. Let me have it all and let me have it now. Only with time does the Wisdom come that, slow and gentle is better-safer. Instant enlightenment is the glittering deception. The sparkling Truth is that a Faithful steady journey yeilds the goal.

May the sparkling SunShine of a Blessed day yield Truth !

Hello SunShine !

Hello SunShine ! Each day begins with Thanks-Giving to the Father as the Sun rises. Easy when the Sun doesn't come up until 8 am. Faithful, when the Sun comes up before 6 am.  Begun with a Peaceful-Joyful-Love-Light Smile and ended with a Smile. A day begun with Thanks-Giving that poverty entrapment has ended, and a day ended with Thanks-Giving to Know your Self and your place in the Divine Plan.

To Know your Self is something quite intimately connected to Knowing your place in the Divine Plan. Just as the Gospel of Thomas shows Jesus to have said, to know your self is to know the Father, and to know the Father is to know your self; to know your place in the Divine Plan is to know your self and to know your self is to know your place in the Divine Plan.

I have observed someone refuse the opportunity to fulfill their place in the Divine Plan, even at the point of approaching death. I learned in 10 minutes with this person to stop being "drug kicking and screaming" to what the Father would have for me--rather like a child's tantrum. I learned to say "Thank You Father, I will do my best."

May your day be filled with SunShine and your best !


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