Welcome of the Father

Entries in this blog were made by Linda Diane during her journey with Martin. While Linda left the material plane in 2014, her entries remain quite pertinent. Many of them are based on Knowledge received through her ability to Commune with Father Which Is in Heaven and later Source (the Creative / Receptive Principle of Creation.) Feel welcomed to browse this blog to your Heart's content or visit the online store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say we leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you.

Martin (Blog Admin)

About You and Me


"I don't play.  Get thee away.  Get thee away ends your play."  
Stop anything "other".  Choose The Father this day.  Walk in strength and conviction (certainty). 
Professing conviction is not acting with conviction.  Let your action show your conviction. 

On a SunShiny day of Pure cool-balmy breeze, Crystal blue skies, and Pure rain !

a look at christmas in July

Do you have "hardwiring" in your brain regarding Christmas?  Do Santa Claus, SugarPlum Fairies, Elves, Father Christmas, the christ child, god, gifts, good and bad, love, romance, warm fires (northern hemisphere), intimate exchanges, mistletoe, all connect in one continuous path?  If one falls, do they all fall? 

When you were a child and were told Santa Claus / Father christmas wasn't real, and fairies weren't real, and elves weren't real, did the whole circuit become "fried"?  Did god or Father Which Is In Heaven become "unreal" to you?  Did Love become unreal?  Did the possibility you are "good" become unreal?  Was all that remained a tiny sliver of hope and faith that they were real?  But which were real?  Was there a conflict between Santa Claus and Father Christmas, Father Which Is In Heaven and god, who receives gifts and who doesn't, a child who brought Love to the world or a child who is Love, a Person who receives romantic love or a Person who IS Love in the world?

Perhaps it is time to return our brain circuit to Truth.  When we ask to be re-pathed to the original diagram (plan), we are free to experience the fullness of The Father's Presence, our expression of Love / Rapture, Truth and Goodness, perhaps even elves and fairies.

On a SunShiny Day of a cool-balmy breeze, crystal blue skies, and clouds of puffy white cotton !

new times require new ways

I was talking to a very dear friend recently and I was able to summarize what she was telling me as:

New times require new ways.

On a SunShiny day with Pure Gentle Rain, puffy clouds floating on the balmy breeze and Azure blue skies !

reverse perspective

I have touched on the concept of a strong family providing the foundation for a strong nation many times in this blog.  However, the same deception that destroys nations destroys families.  A small example of this was demonstrated to me some time ago. 

A big, strong person can set about turning two People against each other by befriending each of them in private and advising each how to "get even" with the other.  Of course this big, strong person designed and set in motion the precipitating event.  In return, the big, strong person receives "friendly" rewards for the advice they give.  These "friendly" rewards are "perks" for the unrighteous - unholy.  The primary benefit is that the big, strong person becomes "safe and secure" in their power and manipulation.

The strategies of a false government are as applicable to the family as the Right and Proper function of a family is applicable to a Nation.  It is no wonder that when the doctrine of communism for the takeover of this Republic was read into our congressional record, it included the destruction of the family, as well as the destruction -- distortion of what is creative (art), and on and on.

I hear a few people with a voice, saying "sheeple" and speaking of the "dumbing down" of the children, as well as the adults, which makes this possible.  A primary factor in this process is fluoride in the water and fluoride in the toothpaste.  This was first used in the concentration camps to numb The People to the atrocities inflicted on them.  Much easier to lead a helpless-hopeless-hungry Person to slaughter than a group of fiery-resistant-aware People.  

This blog has often talked of the need for nourishment of the body from natural foods, herbs, and "weeds".   We have touched on the need for iodine in the body.  We have acknowledged ways to support creativity.  We have recommended Prayer, Truth, and preparation.  Looking to The Father and Source for Truth and direction is the focus-priority-function of this blog.

May you find your way to Truth, a Blessed and Strong Family, and The Father-Source.

On a SunShiny day following a gentle pure rain with Crystal SunLight !

Another SunShiny balmy day in The USofA !

Another SunShiny balmy day in The USofA !

Wouldn't you like to awaken on a balmy SunShiny day in which all that we falsely believe is happening in an unrighteous - unholy way is just a bad dream?   In what sense could that happen?  In what way could we awaken from the deception?  How could it all become NON?

Perhaps contemplation of a world in which the deception IS NON would be the beginning of Truth.  What would that world "look like"?  How would things be?  In mine it would be low tech.  Yet advanced in technology.  The two are not mutually exclusive.  Low tech in the materials -- no plastic, no destruction, no death, no decay.  Advanced technology in theory -- individual power units, writing and counting in a new and different way, travel to places far away in a new and different way.

What we can imagine we can do.  What we can't imagine The Father and Source can inspire.

On a SunShiny CrystalTurquoiseBlue day of creative contemplation !

desert deception

Are you familiar with the temptation in the desert?  The three failed attempts, throw yourself off the cliff, thing?  Are you familiar with the "we'll be bahk" thing--after a thousand years thing? 

Deception, all of it deception.  Neither The Father, nor the unrighteous - unholy test us to see if we are firm in our Divine Choice for Truth of our Self.  There is no "rule, law, or right" that would inflict such deception on The People.

The Truth is, our choice is made and stands firm in Universal Law.  

As we begin to see the "no-thing-ness" of the unrighteous - unholy, we step out of the deception and onto The Father Way to Source.  May those moments of Clarity expand and what is NON return to nothingness.

On a SunShiny day with a portion of Pure Rain, Crystal-TurquoiseBlue skies and a balmy breeze !

there was a bird, a pretty little bird, the prettiest little bird you ever did see

And she grew into a lovely young woman, who The Father says, "Trust to Me".  One of the most difficult things in my life to do.  Yet I Know the Truth of what He says to me. I Know He can't do His job when I try to. 

Faith in our children is something we've lost sight of in current times.  How can we teach them Faith when we have none?  When we have failed them by allowing poisons to be pumped into them at an astounding rate, from newborn to adult, through vaccinations and send them daily to be programmed in a system called education which prevents Truth of The Father from reaching them, how can we EVER consider we keep them safe? 

But . . . how can we teach them The Father Way when we have lost the Truth of what that is?  We must, indeed, find our Self and The Father before we are "qualified" to raise children.  "If only" I had Known this Truth when I was a child.  The Father Way brings us to Source and a greater expression of our Self as a Person who lives and moves and breathes our Divine Expression. 

Out of the midst of deception rises Truth.  And what was stolen isn't -- what was lost is reclaimed.

On a Beautiful SunShiny Summer day filled with Love and Joy, May Father guide your way as the beautiful young woman you have become !

if you . . .

IF YOU . . .  These words usually preface a deception.  These words are often NOT used for Divine expression.  If you were . . . If you had . . . If you didn't . . . If you did . . . If you do . . .  If you don't . . . If you weren't . . .

On and on, these words are often used to accuse, blame, make responsible (falsely), on and on.  Those who accuse falsely are those we are NON to.

As we stay focused on Father and Source, seeking and receiving Truth, Desiring to Know our Self as the Rapture, Rhapsody, Power and Plan, these become our experience in Life.

May the SunShine of abundance and the Cleansing Pure Rain shower you with Truth !

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