Welcome of the Father

Entries in this blog were made by Linda Diane during her journey with Martin. While Linda left the material plane in 2014, her entries remain quite pertinent. Many of them are based on Knowledge received through her ability to Commune with Father Which Is in Heaven and later Source (the Creative / Receptive Principle of Creation.) Feel welcomed to browse this blog to your Heart's content or visit the online store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say we leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you.

Martin (Blog Admin)


practical creativity

The amount of creativity on the internet is amazing !  The instructionals, do-it-yourself information, with materials at hand, is a delight.  It makes hi-speed internet very appealing.  Preparation becomes a "creative project" with these kinds of websites.

Such headlines as follow are enough to get those projects going.

  • Chile earthquake lifted country's coast eight feet
    The Feb. 27 Chile earthquake lifted the ground by the coast by more than eight feet and sunk ground inland by more than three feet, a new study found.
  • Mexico's ground still moving from April earthquake 
    The 7.2-magnitude earthquake that hit Baja California and the American Southwest is continuing to displace the ground, according to NASA radar images..
  • California earthquake moved town 31 inches south
    California earthquake: NASA radar images show that the powerful quake that struck Baja California in April moved Calexico, a city on the US-Mexico border, some 31 inches to the south.

Practical creativity fulfills our Creative Urge as efficiently as a painting or drawing does.  And there is the added feeling of satisfaction in using the project for comfort and utility if adverse circumstances arrive.  Seeing the familiar in new ways expands the creative nature of a Person.  Seeing the potential of meeting physical needs by "re-purposing" familiar or un-familiar objects creates confidence in Self. 

The Father sees the practical need for preparation in the FACT it will be a bumpy ride through point of departure into the Sun's new orbit.  The People have always made the transition and Father has never spoken of the percentage of People who were able to sustain through it all.  However, those who seek Truth and The Father will be where they need to be, IF they act on the direction The Father gives them.

On a SunShiny day with Pure Rain on the garden and a cooling breeze of Pure Air !

a simple day

Today is August 5, by commercial calendar counting.  Just another ordinary day.  A day Divine Blessings and Abundance are in the air.  A day the Father walks through green grass and flora and fauna with us.  A day in which we feel  the Divine Presence and the Rapture, Rhapsody, Power and Plan that are ours.  A day in which this is All That Is.  A day that brings the Spirit, the Love we are, home to us.  A day we are whole, complete.

For this I give Thanks !  With gratitude !

On a SunShiny day with a pure cool-balmy breeze, CrystalTurquoiseBlue skies, cottony puffy clouds, and just right rain !

repeating weather

Hottest, coldest, wettest, driest--the weather parade goes on.  George Ure gave an intense comment and documentation today for weather control and who gave governments the right to (unfortunately only a not Divine word comes to mind) with our weather.  This is his post for August 4, 2010, if you need to go to his archives.

I remember a time when schools taught that thunder and lightening preceded cooler weather and warmer weather came in as a gentle rain.  The rest of this week, they are planning on storms to move through here.  Not just one, but one after the other.  Each with thunder and lightening, but the temperatures will remain the same.  

The storm failed yesterday immediately after the post of this blog.  So here they come again.  Keep it hot and raise that humidity.

Not the best of weather to keep tempers cool.  And just when there is an attempt to stir controversy over discrimination toward "black" farmers.  The issue is not one of race, but one of fraud according to the radio report.  It was reported that Obama awarded 50,000 dollar payments to thousands of black americans who at sometime wanted to be a farmer but didn't because they might be discriminated against.  The original suit was for ~400 people who received large sums of money, according to the radio.  I don't know more than what I heard yesterday, however, the potential for eminent domain to replace small farmers who currently hold farming properties, with people who "wanted" to be a farmer is great.  If those successful small farmers oppose their family farm being ripped from them, there is great potential for unpleasant action to begin in this country.  This then, becomes a racial issue as much as taking the livelihood of The People and giving it to illegal immigrants from Mexico, or to the east indians, chinese, philippians.  But home enters into this.  Taking the livelihood of The People has not exceeded the inability to respond due to drugging of their minds and bodies.  But, taking their homes is another story entirely.  Well, it hasn't been.  Look at the foreclosure numbers.  But, those were not farmers.  Well, they were back in the  . . . was it the 60's, 70's, 80's ?  

How much does it take for The People to re-awaken to their Divine Sovereignty?  How much does it take to reclaim our birthright as children of Father Which Is In Heaven and for the unrighteous - unholy to become NON?  Do we choose to fall prey to their planned un-holy end for us, or do we choose to be returned to our Divine Presence on an abundant, peaceful, balanced earth?

On a SunShiny day full of potential and cooling pure rain !


Rain is moving in.  The black, oppressive kind.  The sky cover of science fiction movies.  The kind that blocks the Sun in all its Glory, rather than the True clouds that bring Pure nourishing rain, through which the Sun remains.  The initial downpour, thunder and lightening are of the artificial kind.  The ones that destroy.  Destroy Life as the earth has defined it.

It is interesting that most People born from 1970 forward don't even know what the difference between the clouds and the chemical cover is.  They couldn't identify what is happening in the sky.

As events unfold, it is interesting to note that a "red-flag" event doesn't necessarily have to fix blame on anyone.  It can "just happen".  That doesn't change the fact, that nature might not have initiated it but Universal Law will end it.

On a day the SunShine is just a breath away and where Pure gentle rain nourishes field and fauna ! 


Things this past month seem to be accelerating.  Flooding, fires, oil spills, earthquakes, hail, tornadoes, Sun quakes ! ? .

Well, Sun quakes is a new one to me.  Holly Deyo posted hot news regarding this solar flare.  George Ure reported it somewhat differently, at one of his sites.  

In all of this The Father and Source are closer than ever.  Putting an end to the christmas deception and receiving Truth goes a long way in lessening the need to progress on Faith and to instead progress in Knowing. 

I have less familiarity with other cultures and their deceptions, therefore I cannot address the core deception that disconnects them from Father and Source.  It is however, most likely there is at least one core deception. 

In the 5 major language-cultures, there are presently People who can hear The Father and are finding His Truth and revealing it to The People.  While translation is unadviseable, due to inherent perceptual differences, there are enough People receiving Truth that it will prevail.

On a SunShiny day with bubbles of Joy floating on a cool-balmy breeze of Pure air and Pure blue skies !

New times require New ways !

Things are moving quite quickly these 10 days.  The Philippines are shaking after flooding.  China is "washing out to sea".  Clif is expecting a major quake in the Americas (he always expects things to happen here).  A second oil leak has sprung in the Great Lakes.  Facebook has become public.  Freak hailstorms in Colorado.   So much more I won't go on.

AND at the same time Father is more available than ever.  Prayers are being answered.  Direction is being given.  Universal Law is functioning. 

On a SunShiny day after the Pure Rain, with a cool-balmy breeze and CrystalTurquoiseBlue skies with puffy clouds !

keep your eyes upon The Father and Source

Things are heating up.  Things are cooling down.  Depends which side of the Sun you are on.  It's interesting how much denial there is for the "cause" of the extreme weather being of two sorts.  unrighteous - unholy initiated being one.  Orbit of the Sun being another (with attendant Universal Law). 

Pray, Prepare, be Patient.  Keep your eyes upon The Father and Source.

On a SunShiny day with a cool balmy breeze and CrystalBlue skies bringing the need Pure and Gentle Rain !

useful links

It is a balmy, SunShiny day with bubbles of Joy !

I recently listened to a radio show recommended on Holly Deyo's website, July 16, 2010 from the Patrick Timpone website One Radio Network, with Dr. Mark Sircus as guest speaker. Part One focused on de-toxing the body through baths (and more) with regard to the gulf poisoning of The People.  Part Two focused on iodine (and more) need in the body for health and de-toxing.  The show does ramble a bit, but great information is given.

Dr. Stan at Radio Liberty has some re-broadcasts posted in his archives that will be available a few weeks, from Drs. Blaylock and  Flechas.   The topics are: Iodine, aspartame, and inflammation.  Just scroll down the list to find them.

Holly had also recommended two YouTube views of Richard C. Hoagland on Coast to Coast AM (I mostly don't listen to George) about the Gulf, that have some different information which is critical to what is happening. 

  One      Two  

There is also a video link of world disasters, to include the sudden outbreak of sinkholes, which I have not been able to view yet.

Much of what I mention regarding earth changes is by way of documenting what Father has previously drawn our attention to.  I do believe some of the geological events are being caused by the stress of the Sun's pull on the earth as it reaches "Point of Departure".  All in all discernment is a good thing to use.  Listen, Pray, seek Truth.

As the Sun Shines, Pure Rain falls as needed, Pure Air fills our lungs, and the CrystalBlue sky nourishes our brain !

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