Welcome of the Father

Entries in this blog were made by Linda Diane during her journey with Martin. While Linda left the material plane in 2014, her entries remain quite pertinent. Many of them are based on Knowledge received through her ability to Commune with Father Which Is in Heaven and later Source (the Creative / Receptive Principle of Creation.) Feel welcomed to browse this blog to your Heart's content or visit the online store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say we leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you.

Martin (Blog Admin)


emerald green


shamrocks spring forth emerald green !


We shall soon set sail in the month of emerald green.

Peace to the Emerald Isle.

May Peace and Truth for all prevail.


With True SunShine pure and simple !


Your Joyous Day !


buds bursting forth in green !


May today be your Joyous Day !


With SunShine, balmy breeze and blue skies !


A Joyous Day !


Pure and gentle moisture nourishes Life each day !


Wouldn't it be Joyous to wake to a day of abundance in your home ?

Wouldn't it be Joyous to wake to simplicity in your life ?

Wouldn't it be Joyous to wake in Love, expressing as who you are ?


With Pure crystal SunShine and crystal blue skies ?



moment of decision


birds sing a song of Spring !


We are at the moment of decision.

Does it remain necessary for Father's intervention of earth changes to come ?

Do we choose the Way of Truth -- Universal Truth -- which eliminates all experience of "else" ?

We can come to the moment when what has been is not even a memory, as Truth is returned.


SunShiny days, pure moisture, In The Father Way !




gentle breezes blow balmy days our way !


Just a reminder that:


Truth is Simple.

If things are complicated,

if you are confused,

Truth is not at Play.


The Sun rises and shadows fall !


a suggestion


With balmy days and pure moisture Rightly expressed!


Father made a further suggestion for change:


Right and Proper in your Endeavor

there is one thing you need Know

to Source the money of your Endeavor.


Linger not in death sorrow when, while

in Righteous Endeavor you could progress.


Righteous Endeavor is vaster still in Honor Glory.

Your Righteous Endeavor depends not,

leans not, to human mortal worldly endeavor.

It is your Heartfelt Desire made manifest.


Crystal bubbles of Joy !


suggestion from a song


Earth blooms while "they" bluster !


The other day Mister came to lay beside me when I was sad.

He told me there was singing.

We wrote about what he said in his blog.


The most important thing for me was to realize we have forgotten how to look within to Know who we are. 

It doesn't matter this was done to us by deception. 

What matters is that I / you / we change it Now.

With SunShiny days of Peace !


In case you missed last evening's additional entry:


into a Sunny balmy day !  What Glory !


In utmost simplicity I had two realizations:


  • I've been asking Father how to act / play in the deception in such a way as to "piecemeal" my way to All Righteous and Holy Day.
  • A rather famous movie character (Yoda)  once (or however many times the movie is played) said:
          "Do it or do it not."
This is to say:
"Trying" piece by piece won't do it.  It is a total, complete, at one instant event.
Asking how to do a better job of unrighteous - unholy play, has been a rather foolish waste of time.

On a SunShiny day of Father's Glory !

"Do it or do it not"


into a Sunny balmy day !  What Glory !


Before I turn Clif High on internet radio, I want to share my most recent, hottest, just off the . . . well, you get it.

In utmost simplicity I had two realizations:


  • I've been asking Father how to act / play in the deception in such a way as to "piecemeal" my way to All Righteous and Holy Day.
  • A rather famous movie character (Yoda)  once (or however many times the movie is played) said:
          "Do it or do it not."
This is to say:
"Trying" piece by piece won't do it.  It is a total, complete, at one instant event.
Asking how to do a better job of unrighteous - unholy play, has been a rather foolish waste of time.

On a SunShiny day of Father's Glory !

rampant mortal desire


Peaceful plenitude of balmy spring days !


Father further spoke of Spiritual Women:


When a Spiritual Woman is without support as a child,

there is great potential to finally succumb

to rampant mortal desire of lustful expression.


To those who use creative energy

to nourish and sustain lustful desire of rampant sort,

there comes a sort of slow death

of Soul Desire.


Here you have a subtle indication

of the magnitude of sustaining lustful desire

in your civilization at this hour.


Creativity nourishes your Soul not

when done in degradation of Soul Nature.

The prevalent myth of destitution and poverty surrounding (struggling) artists

further narrows the gap to degradation

of mortal soul endeavor.


Birds sing as Sun shines !


habitual pattern


With a balmy breeze !


Father has said of Spiritual women:


You need to lay poverty down on the altar of Love and Power

to Free your immortal Soul.

Poverty is Soul degradation.

It is a habitual pattern put upon Spiritual Women

to sustain and and nourish not

your immortal Soul Endeavor.

The stronger the woman,

the greater the Soul Endeavor,

the more nourishment needed to sustain your Endeavor.

Thereby comes your constant hunger of Soul Endeavor.


With SunShine on fields of fruits !


soda bread


SunShine nourishes !


Have you considered soda bread ? Soda bread can be made sweet or savory. 

When yeast is hard to come by, or the air too impure to make sourdough, soda works best.


Sweetened with honey, maple syrup, or a can of fruit, the bread is as hearty or "refined" as your flour.  Perhaps nutritionally debatable is the use of chocolate chips.  But they sure are good !  A little dried fruit, especially dates or figs is great, too !


I could have waited until St. Patrick's Day to suggest soda bread, since it's an Irish tradition.  But president's day will have to do.


With SunShiny balmy days of Radiant Glory !


under consideration


With bird's call and crystal blue !


We are considering putting a written page of the new contemplation.  It is yet to be decided.

Have a balmy Sun-day !


With balmy breezes !


Thanks for the new audio file


Pure moisture before Pure SunShine !


Many thanks to Martin for the ease and speed of placing the new audio file on the blogs !


His persistence has made it easier for me each new opportunity to record a file to share.


Thank you Father for the opportunity !


With SunShiny days of balmy gentle breezes !



Radiant Powerful Woman

With lilac lavender dreams of balmy days of SunShine !

Martin and I went back to our archives of 2004 and retrieved information Father had begun providing for me on what a Woman Warrior is. He provided a contemplation for me to discover myself. A Vision of what this is. My idea of a warrior at that time was based on a lifetime of indoctrination into deception. The idea of a feminine warrior was totally distressing to me.

In the months it took to begin unfolding, a dramatic shift in my perception took place. However the underlined deception still held a small space.

It was in the last week as I listened to Clif High being interviewed by Suzanne Toro, with Clif's thoughts on warrior vs. shaman that I recognized a need to return to Father's Teaching and continue my understanding of a Radiant Powerful Woman. Father has called this Vision of the feminine Warrior, Iconian. I have yet to understand the greater portend of this terminology.

We are sharing the introduction to this great learning in a second audio contemplation which you will find in the left hand column of this blog titled "Radiant Powerful Woman". May Truth prevail and those People who seek Truth and Liberty begin the journey of receiving that which once they sought.

With crystal blue skies and golden SunShine !


might as well


Balmy spring days of Joy !


It is interesting to hear People who live where "Turkey buzzards winter roost", express pride in this event.

Might as well.


With SunShiny days of increasing Light !


page addition


With turquoise blue and spring green balmy days !


Mister's new blog, A Valiant Dog Blog, for February 15, 2012, provided a new perspective, or refinement on Father's teaching.


We have added a page link in the top left column called, A Simple Answer which furthers Mister's blog.


Mister's blog entry and our Simple Answer page are not "simple" reading.  It is an interesting facet of living in the deception that, when one does not intuitively grasp Truth, many words are required to bring understanding.  This is one of the conundrums in writing my blog.  How do I "Keep It Simple" and still bring inspiration to The People ? 

Much of my writing indicates Faith in The People for their capacity for Truth.  The unrighteous - unholy continually degrade, demean, and ridicule The People, however, they are greatly mistaken.  The People look not to the ways of dishonor and deception.  The People look to Truth, The Father and Source.


On a brilliant day of SunShiny Glory !



indian giving


As balmy breeze moves grasses, Spring green flows through fields  !


A particular "technique" of the unrighteous - unholy is to take what was given.

As a child this was called "Indian giving", not because it is what The People of this Land did, rather because it is what was done to them.


Promises made, things given, then, painfully thieved from them.


This is different than recognizing deception and ending participation in their play.  False contracts with the unrighteous - unholy are automatically ended when Truth prevails. 


Recognize Truth.

End deception.


On SunShiny days of Valor !


BE Love -- No taking or giving

 Balmy days !


Tradition has this day designated for "love".


Perhaps, you could remember this day to BE Love.

LOVE is something we feel, hear and live,

not something we give away in hope of receiving something we are not.


With bubbles of Joy, and delights of chocolate !


discernment of Right


With a crystal blue sky !


 Do you believe those around you must conform to what is "right" for you ?

Or, do you believe you must conform to what is "right" for those around you ?


Perhaps, "Right" is an individual discernment.



SunShine sparkles on water, stirred by balmy breeze !


stop giving


With pure skies and pure air !


Father recently told me to quit "obsessing" (not his word) over the scummy skies the unrighteous - unholy continue to create with their spraying.


I am to look to Father to "handle" this situation.  If I look toward Him, I am more likely to see clear, pure balmy days, which I affirm on this blog.


He said that when I give attention to them and the scum I am giving the energy I receive to them.  Speaking for myself, I don't have any to spare.  All I receive is needed to live a Righteous and Holy Life.  Guess that's why I can't do it yet.


There must be Truth in this, for the SunShine returned when I implemented Father's instruction.


With balmy SunShiny days of Purity !




Pure moisture on pure days of SunShine !


Consider adding Truth to your Desire(s).

Consider Truth being more important than the familiar.

Consider Truth more important than being right.


With days of Truth and bubbles of Joy !


Sprouting summary


With pure skies !


I have thought several times to mention how I have found it best to sprout seeds.

Using a clear glass jar of sufficient space -- not too big or too small

Using non-toxic screen tied in place (no lid)

Filling the jar two or three times daily with water through the screen

Emptying the jar through the screen without removing it (no lid facilitates water evacuation)

Tilting the jar so the water drains and there is no standing water in the jar

Using a stainless steel tray or other non-toxic / non-plastic tray to incline the jars and catch water

Keeping the tray and jars clean and dry

Disinfecting surfaces with food grade peroxide or white natural vinegar

Keeping the air moving and warm, but not hot and humid

Using less sprouts than charts indicate so as to allow for air circulation, since "packed" sprouts encourage mold or fungus


If I think of any other suggestions, I'll add them to other blogs.

Enjoy !


With SunShine, pure air and balmy breezes !




With brilliant pure blue skies !


After the "big game" last Sun-day, which was far from attention here, I was tuning the radio for a show I sometimes listen to, and I heard pieces of reports:

  • The calls for the game were made for the giants every time it was a game deciding call
  • The patriots are in for a "cold year"

This was the first time I heard the giants were battling the patriots.

Do you think there is any subliminal deceivery going on here ?


With balmy blue, golden SunShiny days !


everywhere Truth


Crystal blue days !


Energy is the major topic everywhere I look.

Lust is the major motivator everywhere I look.

Lust is not just about sex, it is about greed and thievery.


It takes a lot of discipline to keep focused on Truth and to seek greater capacity for Truth.

Truth brings changes one must be willing to receive.  It also brings the false attachment to "being right" forward for change.

Truth must be most important.


With balmy days and pleasant nights !


creativity and gardening


On a balmy, SunShiny creative day !


What is your creative project this day ?  Choose to live in a Right and Proper way this day.


I recently heard a gardening program on One Radio Network with Patrick Timpone.  The guest, George Altgelt presented an interesting array of information.


I highly recommend this program.  There is just one thing: I have heard many other people say wheat is right up there with soy on genetic modification.


With pure air, pure moisture, pure plants !


Truth prevails


With Truth prevailing !


On Moon-day I read Clif's entry regarding the plans of those deceivers.  Often making their plans public causes them to make changes.

Death, decay and destruction fell into the trap of becoming like what they hated.  Or were infected by the same "virus" that contaminated darkness.  Either way you look at it you get the same results.

Death, decay and destruction believe The People should be annihilated along with darkness because we are contaminated.  It is interesting they accuse us of what they have become.


Meeting them with the same mind they use, is NOT the answer.

Engaging them with the same destruction they seek is NOT the answer.


Clif where is your TRUTH ?  Perhaps No one is better able to find TRUTH than you.  Are you their mole, or are you one of The People.  Where is your TRUTH ?  Bring me Universal TRUTH, not the deception they propagate.


With balmy days of Purity !


BlueStarBlog and Faith


With pure rain to moisten the earth.


I would like to mention Martin's blog.  He has been writing an amazing series on Faith that gives practical application to what The Father has taught for many years. 

Suddenly, the implication of instruction Father gave Martin, long ago, became clear and many questions regarding Right and Proper use of energy were answered. 

This simplicity of instruction can be an obstacle to minds trained in the "way" of intrigue, complication, and deception.  Or you could say, "normal education".


I hope you also read Martin's blog, for the wisdom he brings to Father's word can change your world.


With SunShiny days and balmy nights !


A Valiant Dog Blog


Brilliant Glory of Balmy days and nights !


I would like to give recognition to a new blog on our website.

It is A Valiant Dog Blog

Mister, our Great Pyrenees, is the "author" of this purely fun blog.

Martin kindly acts as "webmaster" for BlueStarWay and all the blogs.

You will find a link to Mister's blog to the left of this page.


With puffy white clouds in crystal blue skies !


solar answers


With magical midnight blue balmy nights !


Over the "winter" (depending on location) as I have been contemplating year-round growing, two articles have stood out.  They address the concern of temperature moderation in growing.

Some people might need to reduce the solar gain, while others need to increase the heat or light.

Interestingly, just after I had been contemplating the issue of heating greenhouses, snow and all, there was an entry on Survivalblog that provided an interesting answer to the dilemma. 

Yes, it is possible to heat a plastic bubble, but please consider "natural" materials such as glass. 

There is a lot of information available on "underground" greenhouses.  For example the Walipini website.


With balmy days of SunShine Purity !


heat and snow


With balmy nights of crystal stars !


If you were to build a "greenhouse" with sticks and plastic, how would you heat it when there is no power ?

Would a small masonry fireplace melt plastic ?

Would solargain last over night with enough "mass" to release the daytime heat ?

How does plastic hold up under the weight of snow ?


Many questions, many answers !


On a SunShiny day of exploration !




Midnight blue skies of Purity !


On a Sunny day, find your way to the nursery and pick some vines and shrubs.

Plant for today.  Plant for the future.

A tree for the grandchildren might be future prosperity.

Some cherries are available that produce the first year on "shrubs".  Fresh or dried, prepare.


With SunShine on the vine !




Balmy nights and sunny days !


Balance in all things.

Balance is not teetering or tottering.

Balance is steady.


Centered in Divine Truth is Balance.


With Pure Joy, Pure Love, Pure Truth !


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