Welcome of the Father

Entries in this blog were made by Linda Diane during her journey with Martin. While Linda left the material plane in 2014, her entries remain quite pertinent. Many of them are based on Knowledge received through her ability to Commune with Father Which Is in Heaven and later Source (the Creative / Receptive Principle of Creation.) Feel welcomed to browse this blog to your Heart's content or visit the online store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say we leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you.

Martin (Blog Admin)


so many things

It's been a good day, and I finally decided to post a blog -- after sitting staring at the log-in page quite a while. So many things I could say. None I want to. So as always, asking for Divine direction should prevail.

Ancient Hebrew (rather than modern) has recently come to my attention. An interesting study. It seems no matter the culture, language, math, there is a point beyond which it is impossible to discern the Truth of The People upon the earth. Of course that point comes within a certain time frame after the arrival of the unrighteous - unholy. The point at which they knocked on the door and claim we let them in.

It seems like the stories of the island People of the Caribbean who found Europeans arriving on their shore and no vision of the ships they came in. Did they answer the knock on the door, or did the unrighteous - unholy simply thrust themselves upon The People?

The Truth is we are shown by The Father the door must become NON again. Rather than standing on the shore looking for where they came in from, we must turn our vision to The Father and Source. Turn our vision to Truth (justice and the . . . joking). This is a concept difficult to put in words and difficult to implement. As I have mentioned, simple is not always easy.

Some things must be repeated because many will not go back to read what I have posted previously. Hopefully they are said a new way. Sometimes we have to hear something a different way to "get it".

May you be Blessed this day with SunShine and vision !

point of departure update

Even if you don't believe there will be a shift in the Sun's orbit, which will drag our solar system into a new position, by reminding you of the one sure sign and what to do you might pull the information out of the back of your mind someday and use it.

The Major sign available to everyone is a shift in the color spectrum. All color will intensify and shift to a more vibrant spectrum. This would be especially noticeable in flowers. I have seen this event and it was in the daylight hours on this land.

This is the moment to find shelter with NO PLASTICS or Synthetics. No plastic clothes, no plastic core in your thread that sews your clothes. Simple organic cotton gowns / robes sewn with ALL cotton thread would serve you well. No plastic in your footwear. No plastic in your teeth.

There will be a maximum of 3 to 4 hours to secure yourself and your family. Water and food need to be in your shelter. You won't need a plastic radio or plastic water bottles. I know water in glass is getting very hard to come by. There will be very little time to do anything except change clothes and get to your shelter. Filling a wooden barrel with water would not be very practical. However, a wine barrel full of wine might be your taste. Holly Deyo has posted that combining the wine with water helps purify the water.

Knowing what is happening will help your family keep fear at a minimum. The earth will survive. The Sun will settle down in three days. (You've heard of the three days of darkness -- not necessarily a factor of light but of devastation).

Yes, the earth will be pulled on -- hard. Yes, the ride will be rough. Keep your attention on The Father and Truth. Pray and Trust.

Prepared is positive. By your Desire for the Father, you will prevail.

On a SunShiny day of Love and Joy !

how do they do that ?

Have you thought about how the unrighteous - unholy steal your Divine Energy? How can something so subtle and intangible (except for the tiredness and toxicity you feel) take place?

One obvious way is through humiliation, degradation, shaming, attacking, damaging, you could say any method of attack that raises unrighteous - unholy emotions in a Person. Have you noticed that one who makes the attack appears to become energized, excited, and escalating in their attack? You can observe the exchange of energy as the Person who is attacked appears to become weaker, sunken, withdrawn, while the attacker becomes more inflated.

A more subtle way of stealing more refined Divine Energy might be observed at a church or spiritual center. Here, as the sincere draw closer to The Father by turning their attention and prayer to Him,  those present, who feed the unrighteous  - unholy will absorb the elevated, more refined energy available. It is like drawing in Radiant Energy. Something (one) who is colder / lower in frequency will absorb the elevated frequency. Like ice drawing heat out of something. Ever notice a sudden chill that comes for no reason? Is someone coming close? Consider what or who is around you. The unrighteous - unholy are in the church, too.

Have you ever noticed that the more you pray, the more you turn (your eyes) to The Father and the more He responds to you, the less energy, resources, results you have? Ever wonder why, what He promises that you have asked for doesn't come to fruition? It is likely because you have squandered His resources by allowing someone who feeds the unrighteous - unholy to reside in your space of Love. (see the post a few days ago) As they take all you have to give (which should be used for your journey in The Father Plan) you are depleted physically, mentally, financially. Interestingly, this is just the one who will accuse you of being insufficient, adding guilt, shame, condemnation, so as to siphon off any residual Divine resources.         

Just some thoughts on subtle energy attack / absorption.

On this SunShiny day may The Father's Radiant Love be yours !

. . . can't get out

Have you ever gotten yourself someplace you can't get out? Prayed and prayed to The Father and you're still there?

Perhaps, you could give me a thought on what got you out. How did The Father answer your prayer?

On a Blessed SunShiny day full of Love and Joy !

civil unrest ? dont play !

We have posted a "what if scenario" of potential unrighteous - unholy activity, on our website and on Martin's blog today. Links also to the right. What if the spraying of a fungus on the land, People, animals was the "tipping point" (to quote Clif)? What if The People would act against the airports and bases that send out those planes? The federal entity would claim they are "justified" in martial law to protect all federal holdings. Then we would be made clearly aware that the national forests, parks, waterways and land management holdings were not claimed and managed for the good of The People, but as property of the federal entity. (Is the world wide web still their "holding", since they originated it? What does gifting it to The People mean? Ask "native americans" what value the gifts of the unrighteous - unholy hold.)

The Father has said to bring "inordinate" Heartfelt Desire into play, so as to bring the Divine Plan, or Father's Plan active on earth -- specifically in this land. He said to "not play". It seems strange to say the unrighteous - unholy play, but The Father does call it "play".

We have come to understand not playing as turning away from the appearance of unrighteous - unholy and turning toward The Father / Source. What you turn away from no longer holds your attention or energy and causes no fear. When you have no fear, you have LOVE. When your Faith is in The Father's Plan, your actions, words, thoughts are Harmonious with The Father's Plan.

This day may your Heartfelt Desire be amplified to The Father Way / Plan. May what is Divine fill you with Harmony. May all fear pass away, that you may Know your Self as LOVE.

In the Divine Plan on a SunShiny day filled with Love, may we pray and Desire  Harmony with The Father and Source !

love or Love

Strange computer things go on all the time but, some are concerning. Like signing on to my blog today. Oh well, things go on and one hopes for the best.

I would think one could tell I've been struggling to accurately put into words what Father has been explaining to me about love and Love / Rapture. When His refinement is amazingly subtle, at least to a deceived mind, words become extremely difficult. To put what one "sees" into words requires a skill of inner vision.

So here it is again, hopefully in more accurate terms. In the stream of events for The People, a more accurate way to perceive and establish relationship would be from a "space" perspective.

When a Person makes a choice to experience the Love they are, to the "best of their ability", a "space of love" is created around them. How far this space extends depends on the strength of their capacity to experience love. The space may be very immediate, room size, or house size, perhaps property size.

The goal of such a Person would then be, that if they were to share their space with someone, the additional Person would express their Self as love the best they could. (Surprisingly, it may be the case that in True earthly expression, we are to live alone, in community, with space about us. In this we would come and go, but not stay in any space of love not our own.)

But as we transition to Truth, let us progress one step at a time. We are now at a point two people who Desire to Know the Father and Source, as well as to express their Celestial Self  are progressing in a Right and Proper manner. They are expressing in a loving manner and share a space filled with the loving energy they are. The outcome of this experience is to increase their capacity and strength to receive the Truth of their Self as LOVE / Rapture.

Once received, the space would support the "solidifying" of this greater expression and once firmly established who knows what would come? I do Know the Truth of "getting there". I don't Know the Truth of what is next.

When a Person shares their space with someone who desires the unrighteous - unholy, it is impossible to build strength and capacity and energy of love in that space. This is because the unrighteous - unholy will "suck it up" like the straw in Data's head. (reference to Star Trek Next Generation episode). The Person can struggle and struggle, work and work, to build a loving space, but as soon as there is enough to feed on -- gone !

When this happens, everything The Person has received from Father has gone to feed or support the unrighteous - unholy. This, like it or not, is to choose the unrighteous -- unholy rather than The Father. I'm saying this makes a Person who is of even the best intent, a servant of the unrighteous - unholy. It places the unrighteous - unholy before The Father. It makes a demi-gog of the unrighteous - unholy.

This is the best I've been able to put it in words, so far. It is the best I can understand The Father's clarification of this deception, so far. It is very difficult to face the possibility this is Truth. It is even more difficult to face the fact, that if it is True, one has mistakenly chosen the unrighteous - unholy when they thought their Desire for The Father prevailed.

Take this to prayer, contemplation and consideration. Ask The Father to show you the Truth, free from deception.

On a SunShiny day that also has rain, may the rain wash away the deception ! The deception will pass away.

general update

It's a SunShiny Day, in The Father Way ! Plants are growing and the Sun is making its way through the residue of the scum. Parasites are being purged and health restored. Did you know there is a fuchsia plant that is an herb? Will wonders ever continue !

I'm progressing with a project Father gave me months ago. I have a tendency to be slow, but I do get there. It will be a little slide show of information I have noticed and Father said needs compiled. I expect we will post it on the web-site  in the next couple of weeks -- software permitting.

Looking forward to fresh Paulowina flower tea tomorrow.

Martin's blog for these three days is again, great reading ! Some inspirational points.

You can get there from the link below, or to the right, or from our newly designed website.


On a day filled with bubbles of Joy, may a bottle of bubbles come your Way !



hate or love

Hating the unrighteous - unholy is a common problem. It is also understandable when the destruction of The People and the Planet is considered. However, a strange occurrence takes place, regarding this hatred.

Over the 7000 years they have been here, they have put in place a system of matching The People who Desire Divine Direction with people who choose the unrighteous - unholy. This, as we have touched on, is to insure the continual "feeding" of the unrighteous - unholy with Divine Resources. It also "feeds" them with emotions of unrighteous - unholy origin that are solicited in The People, such as, hate, harm, resentment, retaliation, judgment, jealousy, you know the list. At the same time The People feel all these dark emotions, which are "alien" to their Divine Nature, The People  seek love from those who give them hate.

It is said (in deception) to "love your enemy", which is to say, a Divine Person will love those who give hate. This is not Father's Way. He would not have us love  the unrighteous - unholy on this planet, and those who choose to serve them. Even those who "know better" but don't do better, are not where love is to be expressed.

Seeking love is caused by giving Self as Love away to someone who is / serves unrighteous - unholy, rather than experiencing the love one is capable of in relationship with someone who also seeks to Know Self as Love, which could also be called seeking enlightenment or many things, but to Know Self as Love is all encompassing.

The scenerio of abuse is basic to the concept of seeking love from those who hate. We have touched on many aspects of this over these months. The point here is: it is time to stop the pattern of an abused child with regard to the unrighteous - unholy and those who serve them. Seeking their love is a bottomless, dark pit we throw our Self into. We would remain forever lost to the pit. It is not to hate, not to seek love. It is to recognize the door is NON and  move on to "Heaven upon earth". It is a "new Heaven" because the old Heaven on Earth passed away with the opening of the door.

May this SunShiny day be filled with visions of "a new Heaven on earth" !


Martin has suggested I need to emphasize that the goal is to choose preparation because it is the prudent thing to do. If no earth changes were to come, and things returned to "normal", there have always been weather reasons to be prepared.

Motivation needs to come from an awareness of Divine Direction and Planning in your life.

Martin was distressed that I would propose dire need for motivation. He considered it insufficient to ask what it takes to motivate you. I, on the other hand considered you, the person sharing this blog, wise enough to realize it needn't take any dire circumstances to be prepared.

Perhaps it is my life experience, but I remember when every home had first aid supplies, if not a kit. People took first aid courses and rolled bandages from cloth. I remember friends going out to sandbag in the face of flooding.

But, wait, I've seen recent pictures of People out ahead of an expected flood  sandbagging. Do you live near enough a stream or river to at least have a "rubber raft" to float personal items down the street as you walk through hip deep water?

Turn to The Father and ask if you need to prepare. If the answer is yes, ask how. If the answer is no, perhaps you are dissolving the door.

On a SunShiny day, heading toward May, may all Blessings be yours today !

hot and cold

Hot and cold. Back and forth. Such weather extremes are difficult to manage in home climate control, garden and personal comfort. It is difficult to Discern what is generated by weather control / HAARP, what is resulting from our approach to point of departure, and what is the decision of Universal Law.

Creative solutions are required, no matter the origin of such unstable weather. How does one protect their garden, their self and their home?

Earth sheltered and under-ground greenhouses are seldom referenced, yet a great option. Strawbale homes, earth sheltered or under-ground homes are possibilities.  Tornado or storm shelters are low cost alternatives.

I read about a man in a tornado stricken town carving a small shelter out under his home so he would know his family was safe if another tornado ever came, and sure enough it did, and sure enough his family was safe, this time. He had lost a child in the first tornado.

What motivates one person is not what will motivate another. Many people in that town were not motivated to prepare after the first tornado. Do you think they thought it was like lightening -- trouble will never strike twice in the same place?

It wasn't a matter of financial resources. That man had only a small hand tool and was cutting into hard pan or stone. The difference being -- he was motivated.

What motivates you? What do you feel you need to do? How do you feel The Father is directing you? How can you implement the inspiration? Do you have the strength of Noah, if it goes against the "main stream" mind of friends and family?

On this SunShiny Day of cool weather, May Strength find you ready.

Father's garden

Mulberries are already ripening on the tree. I often imagine that in earlier times mulberries were so special because they are one of the first fruits available after winter. I personally don't find their flavor very intense, but fresh fruit is very welcome in the spring.

The paulowina trees are in bloom and now is the time to harvest the blossoms for drying or using fresh for tea. The very large, but delicate blooms are a unique and pleasant taste treat as tea. I had read that the leaves are edible, however, I consider them survival food, not very tender as a green. The bark of the paulowina tree also makes a nice tea. When time permits you might consider researching the paulowina tree. The use and benefit of the tree is vast.

Tomato plants are already in the stores and I have to say, a head start on planting is inviting when you don't subscribe to starting plants from seed indoors.

We anticipate the time to move to a piece of land where Father's direction in a new way of "gardening" will be implemented. The Father has said we will call it Heaven. Someone called the previous version Eden.

On a SunShiny day, In The Father Way, may your garden grow !

morning haze

Martin reminds me that Father had said:

to burn off fear like the Sun burns off the morning haze

I'll get back with you on that.


Fear is an insidious thing. It seems to come from in-sid-e you. It seems to belong to you. Fear, however, is unrighteous - unholy design to separate us from LOVE.

Deception teaches fear keeps us safe. It is the Truth that fear keeps us vulnerable to attack. We see examples of men kept safe, even in the extreme deception of war, who were fear-less. That is, with NO fear. We have all heard "that which I fear has come upon me". YET, we keep the deception that "fear saves", rather than the Truth "fear destroys".(Does that say that fear is the destroyer?)

Until the day in which there is No Door, and the unrighteous - unholy is NON, it will prosper you in your Spiritual Journey to give all fear to the Father to be purged and in Right and Proper exchange, to be filled with Truth of the LOVE you are.

Under turquoise skies, puffy clouds and plenty of SunShine !

Sun Shine

Weeelll, more glitches with the blog software. Upgrades are not always good. However, the website, BlueStarWay.com has been updated with a new web-building software and a new look. Hopefully, more user friendly, definitely more "Sunny".

The fuchsia plant in the window is blooming profusely and the grapevines are spreading rapidly. Father gave a new instrument design that has taken some time to implement. Seems simple is not always easy. However, it is performing well.

90's ! Did someone say it is in the 90's here in the middle of April ? Unheard of ? I didn't hear.

OK. Enough humor for the day.

On a SuuuuuunShiny day, may Peace and Joy come your Way !

childish things

Have you "put away childish things"? Childish things are the behaviors, responses, needs, you learned as you learned to walk. You may believe you haven't responded as a child since you were a child, but have you looked closely?

Are you responding to others as you would choose, or does your response just come out -- explode from you? If you are calm, serene, do you still respond as a child who needs to please?

How about your relationship with Father Which Is In Heaven? Do you relate as a child who has no control over their thoughts, words, actions? Have you considered what it is to walk as companion with The Father? How would you, as that "adult" relate to The Father? Would your walk be as a "little child"? Helpless, hopeless, neediness? (To enter the Kingdom as a child is not what we are speaking of.)

Perhaps your contemplation time could be creatively utilized to consider what it is to walk as companion to The Father. Would you be Peaceful, assured, Love, Powerful, Truth, Life, confident, Joyful?

How would you FEEL walking with The Father, as we once did?

On a SunShiny Day filled with Joy, may you walk The Father Way !


Parasites are not polite conversation in this country. Yet, it wasn't that long ago in our history "spring cleaning" included the human body and in addition to those spring greens, parasite cleansing was required. Especially children were subjected to parasite cleansing. They engaged in more activity that would contaminate them, is the premise today, yet all People lived close to the land and animals, where "contamination" is said to occur.

In herbal "lore" the special herbs used for de-worming or parasite cleansing of children were listed separately from adults. An interesting aside is that we had begun to loose our "innate" knowledge of the plants / food and needed books to hold the knowledge for us.

If our children were cleansed of parasites / worms there would be a radical shift in their attitudes and outlooks. It is sci-fi stuff to suggest those pesky little uninvited inhabitants have a consciousness of their own, but I leave it to you to establish the Truth for yourself. Those children who had regular cleansing of parasites would have the potential for moral and ethical advancement that now seems a lost potential. They would mature into adults that know their Self, rather than walking around feeling the emotions of the unrighteous - unholy inhabitants of their body and believing they are the inferior, dull witted, ugly people the worms believe they are.

If you are an adult reading this blog, which is most likely, I suggest you consider your own cleansing. Hulda Clark began a new wave of healing and awareness many years ago, which proposed that the parasites are the cause of all illness. Radical, yes. True, yes.

This is the answer to the eastern philosophy challenge. Kill the ego? Yes. Or at least cast out (biblical). Don't believe a little worm could be controlling you? Cleanse them all (adult through egg stage) from your body and see.

On a SunShiny Day, may Truth come your way ! 

plant and multiply

Have you thought about how many free plants are just waiting for your garden? Well, maybe not free, but almost. Have you bought goji berries at the health food store or Asian market? Several plants can be started from the seeds in just one berry. Have a sprouting organic potato? Cut it into pieces with the sprouts on top and plant. Ever start a sweet potato plant when you were in grade school? How about an avocado seed? Is there a vacant lot with a bush or flower you just love? How about a start? Or at least a seed from a public garden?

Of course courtesy and reason must prevail in obtaining free plant material, but there is an abundant amount available if you begin to look for it. Receive a hyacinth, or daffodil in a pot for Easter? Plant it in the yard. Yes, some plants are Soul nourishing things of beauty that you wouldn't eat. And the first flowers of Spring are especially so. Have a friend or family member taking out a plant? Ask them to pass it on. Offering to dig it out for them is great incentive for them to gift it to you.

However, you might be surprised that such common garden plants as hydrangea are considered herbs. Always consult the Latin names to insure plant safety.

Remember -- from just one seed many plants will grow. It may take a few seasons, but multiply they will. Learning now will insure success if things are difficult and allow for more creativity when needed. Experience is a "good thing". It provides a foundation from which to "grow".

Use Honor, and look for "free" plant material. Get growing !

On a SunShiny Day, bring some plants your way !

weed free ?

Have you noticed that for a person who loves to play with fonts I have stayed with the same format? It's not for lack of trying. I haven't found the other options  preferable yet.

I was thinking about all the lawn chemical poisons in the stores now. The big push is on for a "weed free" lawn. What if the worst did happen and you were starving and knew that the "weeds" and dirt you poisoned could save your life and end your hunger pangs? Do you think there would be some regret?

What if you knew you could have planted some berry bushes / shrubs and fruit trees instead of the ornamentals? What if you had become enthusiastic about edible landscaping and had a beautiful yard of vegetables growing in "beds" rather than rows? Would you regret not doing it?

To be honest pest control takes research -- if you don't just grab the poison off the shelf. And, it takes some experience in using "natural remedies" for the yard, just as it does for yourself.

If you are a bible reading person, you know this is ancient knowledge, Divinely given. If you are a "modern" person, you know it is the most healthful thing to do. If you live in another country, you may ask why I have devoted so much time to this topic -- why would it be any other way?

If your Spiritual Journey is the most important thing in your life, as you put The Father / Source first, your health and brain capacity is all you have to be able to connect with Them. Why else would the unrighteous - unholy be so enamored with taking it from us?

Consider the possibility learning about natural gardening and eating could be fun. Enthusiasm for ending your own participation in killing yourself seems natural.

On a SunShiny day in The Father Way, feel LIFE !

no projection, no expectation

If I were to say goodbye today, would you miss me tomorrow? If I were different tomorrow than the person you know today, would you still like me? That assumes, of course, you like me.

Do you embrace change in the ones around you, or do you expect the same predictable interaction, no matter what changes you see? I spoke with someone today who praised the changes in her husband. She embraced those changes and we never talked of the changes in her that allowed him to be different than she expected him to be.

When someone changes their needs so as to end the "penalties" if the one they "love" stops being surrogate for the one who formed their needs, it becomes possible for the Person "loved" to become the Person they Desire to be. Sounds complicated and perhaps "diamond" points would make it simple, but there has been numerous requests for me to be less concise.

Let's see, said simply: knowing your Self allows others to know their Self. No projection, no expectation.

Here's to a Grand and Glorious day wherein you let NO one define who you are.

On a SunShiny day of Gloriosa's making, Know your Self !

tea and soy

Recently someone near and dear to me gave me two boxes of Celestial Seasonings tea. One strictly single herb, the other a blend, which had NO SOY added. The boxes looked like a new package design, therefore presumably recent purchases. I plan on a fact finding mission to see if they have, or are, taking the soy out of all their tea. If so, "hats off" to Celestial Seasoning tea. That would show they care about the allergy issue in this country and that they care about The People.

I know this blog often mentions soy, per-plastics this and that, fluoride, bromide, and the complicated array of methods to destroy our thyroid, thereby making and keeping us FAT, miserable and unhealthy. Weight loss is an impossible mission when the thyroid is on a steady decline of function. AND, standard blood tests don't show a problem until a Person is well beyond what is considered the point of no return -- to health that is.

This throws People into the disposable part of the population. This includes no disposable income. How can disposable People return to a state of health? "Their" view is that it is not possible.

I have found the answer to be: only with Divine Direction. Faithful dedication to The Father's direction is necessary. Eating the food (read weeds and herbs) He provided abundantly is a major factor. Drinking pure water is a difficulty, yet entirely necessary. Using pure sea salt is required. Knowing your "food" is iron and iodine rich progresses.

Remember one measure of a situation: If it is complicated, it is unrighteous  - unholy. If it is simple, it is more likely to be Divine, for Divine is Simple.

Water, weeds and salt. How simple could it be? Very, it seems to me !

On a SunShiny day, no matter what seems to be, have Joy !

Hot today - gone tomorrow

Have you thought how to insulate your family from "fire and brimstone"? As the Sun reaches point of departure, it seems sure that we will receive particles, perhaps large particles of Solar matter. The average home is not built to withstand the heat and particles of such an event.

I'm sure this is why Father has said above ground caves will be "safe" and why the Kivas of this land have proven safe. Perhaps a "storm shelter" of  reinforced concrete such as developed for tornadoes would prove safe. The interesting similarity of the first two suggestions is that they have never contained plastic or electricity.  An  important consideration for survival. As I have mentioned in previous blogs, Father has warned that plastics will implode with fatal toxic gases resulting.

Recently, there has been a lot of internet reference to the potential of EMP energy from the Sun which has traveled over wires -- from fences to telegraph wires -- which has caused "meltdown".  I believe Martin has also mentioned this "event" in his blog. This is a secondary reason to make your secure shelter as simple as possible.

In the time between now and "point of departure", things are sure to warm up. How do you prepare for such an event without gas, electric or other utilities? Surface underground shelter (which I would call a Kiva) is sure to be insulated by the earth. These preparation Kivas are to be made with 2 feet of earth on the wooden roof.

Preparing for weather extremes without the use of "commodities" requiring continual "feeding" of financial resources is wise right now. Creative consideration of such preparation is an interesting pastime. Alertness to possibilities as they come your way is prudent. On this seven day of creative expression, perhaps a few minutes of creative consideration of action you can take will bring greater Peace to your Life.

Remember, Preparation gets you there, and embracing the opportunity to prepare as things "heat up", is wise. Extreme cold or Extreme heat -- prepare for both. This moment in time will pass and you will be Thankful for preparation. In the scheme of things, this event is in fact brief.

On a Blessed SunShiny Spring day, Create !

body inhospitable

The Sun is awesomely brilliant this morning. It looks like a beautiful spring day is on the way. The past two evenings thunder and lightening prevailed, in what spiked the imagination to consider "wars behind the clouds".

A news article from Columbus, Ohio, reported a bacteria in their air sample with great hazard potential. Keep tuned, they said, for further reports. No immediate risk -- of course they said it takes 3 or more days after attack to show symptoms  -- guess that's not immediate. Just a piece of confirmation for those who don't think the unrighteous - unholy are spraying contaminates detrimental to the life of The People.

Preparation is positive. Get out that herb book and see what nutritional elements will keep you unreceptive to contamination of bacterial sort. See how many food plants called herbs, from around the world, protect one from all sorts of invasive creations of the unrighteous - unholy. This is attained through a healthy body. Matthew Wood in his "Earthwise" books has compiled some great information. He reminds people that herbs "work" because they make the body inhospitable to attacking organisms through health.

Martin's current topic of inspiration is related. (see the link to the right or go to:


to find his BlueStarBlog.

May pure air of coolness on a warm breeze, find you this day, as you are nourished in The Father Way !

On a brilliant SunShiny day !


Just to be "fair and balanced" I must mention that Father Which Is In Heaven (did) NOT / (would) NOT send His son or "children" to be "slaughtered". He is Truly an expression of LOVE and LOVE neither kills nor slaughters. Again, those are indications of "god(s)" that are something "other".

Once I heard a talk show host and his guest lay out the perfect logic why several world religions' sacred books were inspired by the unrighteous - unholy. That same logic perfectly applied to the bible, a step in application they chose not to take.  That is to say, the unrighteous - unholy are masterful in their ability to use Truth in small or large amounts to subtlety inject deception. Because we still recognize Truth, we have thought it was all Truth, rather than Truth in the midst of deception.

If their old plan of "first contact" being with one who had progressed in understanding to "Christed" consciousness or beyond, would you recognize their unrighteous - unholy presence as separate from Truth? Would you recognize that Truth (did) NOT originate with their presence?

This day, may Truth become recognizable and your Way.

On a SunShiny day with turquoise skies and puffy clouds and a cool breeze !

Sun through the scum

The Sun has made its way through the scum here, bringing The Father's Blessings on all those "SunRise Services". I was thinking the other day about Passover. I didn't ask The Father, but it seems to me, The Father would not instruct The People to use blood to mark doors.

Experience has brought me to understand the "god" who would order this act is one who disperses deception. Perhaps the rod turning into a "serpent" as symbol of  that "god" is the message of who that "god" is.

A Person's Desire for Truth must be great to go beyond deception. As I have mentioned, it is very painful to be shown the extent of subtle deception purveyed in these times. The subtlety makes those of even the best intent unknowing participants. Keep focused on Truth and Keep your Desire for Truth strong and you will prevail !

On a SunShiny day filled with bubbles of Joy, have lots of fun !

why do you think the weekends are scuzzy?

Do you remember the 60's when we were blissfully ignorant of spraying the skies and weather modification? Well, maybe "seeding" a cloud, but nothing more?  I found it interesting that China not long ago said they were going to "seed" the clouds, as if they were still in the stone age of these things.This of course, while they bragged about the excellent weather they provided for the Olympics.

We have, not long ago, seen a couple of movies from the 60's that filmed the skies of the time and with the excessive amount of experience we now have, could recognize the "scummy skies" produced by spraying. Even if we still had the naive idea the "trails" were just jet exhaust, the "cloud" formation is radically recognizable.

Those were the days we began to hear of "acid rain". Words seldom used today. But here it is, Easter weekend and they are trying to make scummy skies to produce depression and despondency on a theoretically Spiritual weekend. (One of combined religious traditions. Who says religions can't meld with respect to all?) This has the biggest impact on children, who in this Republic still expect to go outside and look for eggs.

This is something that happens all year long, of course. Great "workdays" and "lousy" weekends. Just when The People could get out and get some Sun, the Sunshine can't make it through the "deep, dark, cloud cover". I have a friend who is young enough that he couldn't recognize the difference between REAL rain clouds and scum clouds. Of course, here, there are seldom "REAL RAIN clouds". An interesting fact is that a surprising amount of Sun radiation penetrates real clouds, so as to allow for a Joy in the rain, rather than the extreme depression of scummy skies.

All of this is to say, may this day and SunDay be filled with the Joy of SunShine and if there is rain, may it be a day of Pure rain !


what do you get out of it ?

We have unique ways of looking at the world. Obvious, you say. But how different is our way than The Father Way?

Recently I asked The Father to see the Truth of another Person. You could say how The Father sees them. In two profound experiences I received the gift of doing so - so to speak. I can't say it was like my experience of The Father's view of me, but it was the Truth of the Person and the experience.

I was gifted with seeing the Truth of that Person and their valiant effort / success with The Father Way by ending obstacles to their journey. The Father has told me I will never understand what this Person has gone through in making The Father choice (thank you, Father). Still I was gifted with seeing Truth of their journey and for the first time realized that holding onto the deception about them must hold some benefit to me. I had to ask, Linda, what do you get out of it. I would never have believed I was getting anything positive out of my perception or that it was deception.

Now I have realized there is another possible explanation. When we have a perception formed, in our "toddler" years, of who we are, by the treatment we receive from the parental figure we seek love from, we can only see the world (read other Person) through that perception, until / unless something clarifies our vision.

This would result in the experience of the other Person being defined by the original experience and one would never know if the other Person were in fact different -- perhaps the Person they had dreamed of. This explains how one comes to the experience of asking "who are you talking about -- that is not me. You must be talking about your mother / father." A lot of situations could be changed if one could realize the other Person believes what they are "seeing"  and has no reference to what IS.

This day may Truth come your way.

On a balmy SunShiny day !

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