Welcome of the Father

Entries in this blog were made by Linda Diane during her journey with Martin. While Linda left the material plane in 2014, her entries remain quite pertinent. Many of them are based on Knowledge received through her ability to Commune with Father Which Is in Heaven and later Source (the Creative / Receptive Principle of Creation.) Feel welcomed to browse this blog to your Heart's content or visit the online store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say we leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you.

Martin (Blog Admin)

About You and Me


Thank You Father for the cool, balmy breeze and Pure Rain to nourish and sustain The People, Plants and everything.  Thank You for the SunShine of Your Desire.

How are you doing with "doing" your job and letting The Father do His?  I plan on being able to soon report I'm "doing" my job much better.  The Father reminds us our position is vacant when we are busy trying to fill His.  No one comes to take over our job.  It remains unfulfilled until we return to our place in the Divine Plan.

Where is He in-the-mean-time?  Waiting.  When we step aside--return to our "destined" journey--we return The Father to His proper position with us.  When He is directing the Divine Plan in our lives, all unfolds in abundance and Joy.

Aspire to the position of Director?  I invite you to reconsider.  I have learned there is nothing worse than to be attempting to fill a position you are not qualified for.  The stress and distress are certainly clues there must be a Better Way.

On a rainy day of Pure water and air, SunShine behind the clouds, may you return to your vacant position In Joy !


Have I said explicitly that :

The People are Divinely Created and Spiritual People who have been deceived into believing in a false image of who they are?

We have mistakenly contributed to the circumstances we believe are taking place on this planet. We are being told we are many things un-divine. We are none of those things. We have been misguided, misdirected, misused. These were not intentional choices by The People. They were decisions and actions based on false information.

So what do we do?

We must seek Truth with all our Heart. We must act with Honor and Integrity. We must creatively desire a new and different way. A way Divinely Directed and Graced. What is left to those People being attacked by deception? It seems NOW is the time for action by way of the Divine Plan, which we lost sight of. What Better Way is there than to seek and find the TRUTH of our Divine Creative Expression?

On a SunShiny day of Pure Rain, cool balmy breeze and a breath of fresh air !

we The People

Many people who knowingly or unwilling perpetuate deception are speaking "curses" upon The People of this Republic.

An uninformed, deceived, good intentioned People reside upon this land. They are being cursed, demeaned, degraded into a mindless mass of degenerates by those whose purpose is served by this. The People of this land are intelligent, good-willed, Spiritually Minded, although mis-directed. 

When The People are consumed with work so as to have food, shelter, pay unreasonable taxes, and find relief in electronic addiction, there is no energy left over for them to consider morals and ethics. Perhaps the conditions that cause a reduction in electronic purchase, use, and maintenance is, in the end, a good thing. Subliminal implants, attention deficit, addiction, and financial burden are eliminated.

Many families are being forced into going "cold turkey" in this regard. Sometimes "cold turkey" is the only solution to addiction.

On a SunShiny day of crystal skies and balmy breeze, may bubbles of Joy sparkle !


a new day

As things go, a new day rose with SunShine and Crystal TurquoiseBlue Skies and the sorrow of the Gulf seemed further away. Knowing that sorrow is something other than Divine doesn't keep it at bay.

Yet, with the SunShine, the birds singing, and cicadas chirping, all seems well with the world.

Father would have us understand All Is Well With The World, when that is the way we see it. All has always been well, if we could just see it. Recognizing our "perfection" would end all else. Were we to see the world as whole and complete as He sees us, the world would be whole and complete with us.

In this our Freedom lay.

On a SunShiny day of pure air and pure skies with balmy breeze !

have you ever

Have you ever decided to make a change and THEN . . . had difficulty giving up the old ways?

Recognizing what doesn't fit the new way is a challenge, since the familiar is so comfortable. We recognize the familiar isn't good for us, but . . . it's soooo comfortable. Change usually isn't comfortable. One would think Divinely Inspired change would be comfortable. Perhaps even should be comfortable. It seems to be a sign of the times that what is Right and Proper may not be comfortable.

On a SunShiny day of Divine Glory, may you become comfortable with what is Right and Proper !


As a child who is suffering unkind actions of others, someone who appears to be a "knight in shinning armor" is a "savior". If only . . . one could save the children from abuses. As we have recently been exploring, that is the responsibility of The Father and the best way to save the children is to leave His responsibility to Him.

I would like to acknowledge the good intent of my "savior" at 5 years old. He was a good man--strong, kind, active--wanting to provide the best opportunity for the children. The Father gave a Vision of a moment from those times, to remind me of who he was, not who he became. It was such a gift to see Truth of a situation that became clothed in deception. 

Thank You for watching the Progression of The Father Way, for loving and caring, as you did before you fell victim.

On a brilliant SunShiny day of perfect balance, with crystal TurquoiseBlue skies and Balmy Breeze !

What is The Father's Will ?

What do you think The Father's Will is for you? What do you think The Father's Will is for others? Do you subscribe to the false belief it is His Will for People to suffer? For People to die in hunger and poverty? For People to linger in sickness and disease? For "warring" over the treasures of the earth to kill and maim The People?

Non-e of those things are The Father's Will for The People. 

The Will of The Father is abundance.

The Will of The Father is Love / Rapture

The Will of The Father is a strong body and mind

The Will of The Father is Respect, Peace, Life

The Will of The Father is Honoring

The Will of The Father is for The People to once again hear the music of His voice and the music of who they are

The Will of The Father is for The People to know the Power of Source

The Will of the Father is SunShine of His Desire, Pure Rain, a Cool Breeze on a Warm Day

The Will of the Father is a Pure, abundant Earth

On a SunShiny Blue Sky day with a Cool Breeze and Pure Air to breathe !

Solstice day two -- Faith

When there are no blue skies -- have Faith ! When it has been raining scum -- have Faith ! In Faith the blue skies become crystal blue and the rain is crystal clear. And I have seen it become so through Faith.

Faith is put to the severest test when it is required that a Person end false responsibility and let The Father resume His responsibility. Martin and I talked of this since we both have People we care for who are choosing to live in places potentially or immediately unsafe. It is the hardest requirement ever to Trust The Father for their safety when we believe He has not done such a good job for us.

It is a difficult learning that the extent and amount The People believe they, or another Person are responsible for their safety, is the extent to which The Father is impeded in His action for their safety. In respecting our "free-will", the choice is ours where responsibility lay. Mixed belief gets mixed results. Incorporating the beliefs of others places us under the "control" of something outside us. Faith in The Father, totally and completely, places us in safety that comes from within.

On this Solstice may we transition to Faith in The Father !

On a SunShiny day where the Sun has begun to shine from within !

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