Welcome of the Father

Entries in this blog were made by Linda Diane during her journey with Martin. While Linda left the material plane in 2014, her entries remain quite pertinent. Many of them are based on Knowledge received through her ability to Commune with Father Which Is in Heaven and later Source (the Creative / Receptive Principle of Creation.) Feel welcomed to browse this blog to your Heart's content or visit the online store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say we leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you.

Martin (Blog Admin)


a look at christmas in July

Do you have "hardwiring" in your brain regarding Christmas?  Do Santa Claus, SugarPlum Fairies, Elves, Father Christmas, the christ child, god, gifts, good and bad, love, romance, warm fires (northern hemisphere), intimate exchanges, mistletoe, all connect in one continuous path?  If one falls, do they all fall? 

When you were a child and were told Santa Claus / Father christmas wasn't real, and fairies weren't real, and elves weren't real, did the whole circuit become "fried"?  Did god or Father Which Is In Heaven become "unreal" to you?  Did Love become unreal?  Did the possibility you are "good" become unreal?  Was all that remained a tiny sliver of hope and faith that they were real?  But which were real?  Was there a conflict between Santa Claus and Father Christmas, Father Which Is In Heaven and god, who receives gifts and who doesn't, a child who brought Love to the world or a child who is Love, a Person who receives romantic love or a Person who IS Love in the world?

Perhaps it is time to return our brain circuit to Truth.  When we ask to be re-pathed to the original diagram (plan), we are free to experience the fullness of The Father's Presence, our expression of Love / Rapture, Truth and Goodness, perhaps even elves and fairies.

On a SunShiny Day of a cool-balmy breeze, crystal blue skies, and clouds of puffy white cotton !

New times require New ways !

Things are moving quite quickly these 10 days.  The Philippines are shaking after flooding.  China is "washing out to sea".  Clif is expecting a major quake in the Americas (he always expects things to happen here).  A second oil leak has sprung in the Great Lakes.  Facebook has become public.  Freak hailstorms in Colorado.   So much more I won't go on.

AND at the same time Father is more available than ever.  Prayers are being answered.  Direction is being given.  Universal Law is functioning. 

On a SunShiny day after the Pure Rain, with a cool-balmy breeze and CrystalTurquoiseBlue skies with puffy clouds !

new times require new ways

I was talking to a very dear friend recently and I was able to summarize what she was telling me as:

New times require new ways.

On a SunShiny day with Pure Gentle Rain, puffy clouds floating on the balmy breeze and Azure blue skies !

reverse perspective

I have touched on the concept of a strong family providing the foundation for a strong nation many times in this blog.  However, the same deception that destroys nations destroys families.  A small example of this was demonstrated to me some time ago. 

A big, strong person can set about turning two People against each other by befriending each of them in private and advising each how to "get even" with the other.  Of course this big, strong person designed and set in motion the precipitating event.  In return, the big, strong person receives "friendly" rewards for the advice they give.  These "friendly" rewards are "perks" for the unrighteous - unholy.  The primary benefit is that the big, strong person becomes "safe and secure" in their power and manipulation.

The strategies of a false government are as applicable to the family as the Right and Proper function of a family is applicable to a Nation.  It is no wonder that when the doctrine of communism for the takeover of this Republic was read into our congressional record, it included the destruction of the family, as well as the destruction -- distortion of what is creative (art), and on and on.

I hear a few people with a voice, saying "sheeple" and speaking of the "dumbing down" of the children, as well as the adults, which makes this possible.  A primary factor in this process is fluoride in the water and fluoride in the toothpaste.  This was first used in the concentration camps to numb The People to the atrocities inflicted on them.  Much easier to lead a helpless-hopeless-hungry Person to slaughter than a group of fiery-resistant-aware People.  

This blog has often talked of the need for nourishment of the body from natural foods, herbs, and "weeds".   We have touched on the need for iodine in the body.  We have acknowledged ways to support creativity.  We have recommended Prayer, Truth, and preparation.  Looking to The Father and Source for Truth and direction is the focus-priority-function of this blog.

May you find your way to Truth, a Blessed and Strong Family, and The Father-Source.

On a SunShiny day following a gentle pure rain with Crystal SunLight !

keep your eyes upon The Father and Source

Things are heating up.  Things are cooling down.  Depends which side of the Sun you are on.  It's interesting how much denial there is for the "cause" of the extreme weather being of two sorts.  unrighteous - unholy initiated being one.  Orbit of the Sun being another (with attendant Universal Law). 

Pray, Prepare, be Patient.  Keep your eyes upon The Father and Source.

On a SunShiny day with a cool balmy breeze and CrystalBlue skies bringing the need Pure and Gentle Rain !

Another SunShiny balmy day in The USofA !

Another SunShiny balmy day in The USofA !

Wouldn't you like to awaken on a balmy SunShiny day in which all that we falsely believe is happening in an unrighteous - unholy way is just a bad dream?   In what sense could that happen?  In what way could we awaken from the deception?  How could it all become NON?

Perhaps contemplation of a world in which the deception IS NON would be the beginning of Truth.  What would that world "look like"?  How would things be?  In mine it would be low tech.  Yet advanced in technology.  The two are not mutually exclusive.  Low tech in the materials -- no plastic, no destruction, no death, no decay.  Advanced technology in theory -- individual power units, writing and counting in a new and different way, travel to places far away in a new and different way.

What we can imagine we can do.  What we can't imagine The Father and Source can inspire.

On a SunShiny CrystalTurquoiseBlue day of creative contemplation !

useful links

It is a balmy, SunShiny day with bubbles of Joy !

I recently listened to a radio show recommended on Holly Deyo's website, July 16, 2010 from the Patrick Timpone website One Radio Network, with Dr. Mark Sircus as guest speaker. Part One focused on de-toxing the body through baths (and more) with regard to the gulf poisoning of The People.  Part Two focused on iodine (and more) need in the body for health and de-toxing.  The show does ramble a bit, but great information is given.

Dr. Stan at Radio Liberty has some re-broadcasts posted in his archives that will be available a few weeks, from Drs. Blaylock and  Flechas.   The topics are: Iodine, aspartame, and inflammation.  Just scroll down the list to find them.

Holly had also recommended two YouTube views of Richard C. Hoagland on Coast to Coast AM (I mostly don't listen to George) about the Gulf, that have some different information which is critical to what is happening. 

  One      Two  

There is also a video link of world disasters, to include the sudden outbreak of sinkholes, which I have not been able to view yet.

Much of what I mention regarding earth changes is by way of documenting what Father has previously drawn our attention to.  I do believe some of the geological events are being caused by the stress of the Sun's pull on the earth as it reaches "Point of Departure".  All in all discernment is a good thing to use.  Listen, Pray, seek Truth.

As the Sun Shines, Pure Rain falls as needed, Pure Air fills our lungs, and the CrystalBlue sky nourishes our brain !

desert deception

Are you familiar with the temptation in the desert?  The three failed attempts, throw yourself off the cliff, thing?  Are you familiar with the "we'll be bahk" thing--after a thousand years thing? 

Deception, all of it deception.  Neither The Father, nor the unrighteous - unholy test us to see if we are firm in our Divine Choice for Truth of our Self.  There is no "rule, law, or right" that would inflict such deception on The People.

The Truth is, our choice is made and stands firm in Universal Law.  

As we begin to see the "no-thing-ness" of the unrighteous - unholy, we step out of the deception and onto The Father Way to Source.  May those moments of Clarity expand and what is NON return to nothingness.

On a SunShiny day with a portion of Pure Rain, Crystal-TurquoiseBlue skies and a balmy breeze !

a busy earth

China has been rockin' and rollin' -- shakin' and bakin'.  The Philippines are the most stable place currently, with typhoons and lots of rain after the drought.  Alaska is REALLY shaking.  In general the Ring of Fire is radically active.  The fractures in the Gulf of Mexico may lead to worse disaster and the murder of Gulf Life is the worst ever engaged in by the unrighteous - unholy.

Focus on The Father is more necessary than ever.  Preparation is wise, mobility is wise.  A trailer, camper, or other vehicle with camping gear and preparation supplies prepared for departure is wise.  I mentioned a person on the news who was sleeping through the flooding of his camper and van.  Locating your preparation in the best possible position is wise.

In the meantime, imagine a world of lush gardens, TurquoiseBlue Skies, a balmy breeze, abundance and Joy.  What we cannot imagine we will have difficulty experiencing.  It can be a challenge to look to our Divine Nature in the midst of such destruction, but a Desire for Truth can prevail.  Ask for that new and different way to be revealed to you.  

On a SunShiny day with a portion of pure rain, may you find the LOVE you are !

there was a bird, a pretty little bird, the prettiest little bird you ever did see

And she grew into a lovely young woman, who The Father says, "Trust to Me".  One of the most difficult things in my life to do.  Yet I Know the Truth of what He says to me. I Know He can't do His job when I try to. 

Faith in our children is something we've lost sight of in current times.  How can we teach them Faith when we have none?  When we have failed them by allowing poisons to be pumped into them at an astounding rate, from newborn to adult, through vaccinations and send them daily to be programmed in a system called education which prevents Truth of The Father from reaching them, how can we EVER consider we keep them safe? 

But . . . how can we teach them The Father Way when we have lost the Truth of what that is?  We must, indeed, find our Self and The Father before we are "qualified" to raise children.  "If only" I had Known this Truth when I was a child.  The Father Way brings us to Source and a greater expression of our Self as a Person who lives and moves and breathes our Divine Expression. 

Out of the midst of deception rises Truth.  And what was stolen isn't -- what was lost is reclaimed.

On a Beautiful SunShiny Summer day filled with Love and Joy, May Father guide your way as the beautiful young woman you have become !

Blog attacks

I read a blog post this morning that notifies People some 73,000 blogs associated with WordPress have been shut down.  At least some of The People have lost their own personal sites and all information on them.  This is cited as copyright infringement initiated.  Of course, all The People who have no "infringement" are "victims" of this action.  For all we know it could have been initiated based on one person and one blog.

It is interesting that the last time I looked at the copyright "law", it said, as long as an idea is put in your own words you may use "ideas" of anyone else.  That is to say, original thinking is not copyright, only the exact words used to express it are "copyright".

It is possible that original thinking may, perhaps, be the "real deal" in copyright issues.  

The internet is best used in "fun", with real content and contact remaining amoung The People.

On a SunShiny day of balanced, gentle rain and CrystalTurquoiseBlue skies, get out the bubbles and have FUN !

New Orleans

We have clarified today, with Father, that the New Orleans deception is an unrighteous - unholy attack.  The innocent aquatic life in the Gulf is of no consequence to those who are warring on the Southern States.  What would the oceanic life matter when their plan is to engulf this planet in the Red Giant explosion of our Sun?

If Universal Law were acting there would be no mass destruction of the Gulf of Mexico waters, life and habitat. 

We can change all this by dedicated attention to The Father, Source and our Divine Self.  Prayerful vigilance as to what IS the Divine Plan and acting accordingly will bring change.  Joyful, Peaceful, Life affirming change.

On a SunShiny day with plentiful, gentle, rain on the way, All is in Divine Order ! 

turn the tide

Father recently provided a "sterling" example of how He would turn an event intended for unrighteous - unholy benefit into a benefit for the intended "victim" who Desires Truth and The Father Way.  This experience caused me to reaffirm the potential good that can come from the current unrighteous - unholy action on our "economy".  The current system being destroyed by them is one they devised.  It is purported they have a new plan, called one world government, which requires the elimination of their old plan.  Guess they were tired of the old game.

This however, is an opportunity for The People to create a new game, or perhaps a very old one, which is called the Divine Plan.  The extent of small, subtle deceptions imposed on even those of best intention is amazingly proficient at hiding the Divine Plan and preventing True action based on it.  The system we have been familiar with, has repeatedly failed for thousands and thousands of years.  This should have encouraged The People long ago to create a Divinely Inspired, Joyful, Peaceful, Harmonious Plan for Living.

The Father is available for guidance and direction of those People who Desire Truth and Right and Proper / Righteous and Holy Living.  At least three, perhaps four of The People are well on the way to this Knowledge from The Father.  Are you One of The People who Desires Truth and a Different Way?  Know this day, Truth is but a thought / breath away.  "Seek and you shall find".

On a SunShiny day Blessed with Pure Rain and CrystalBlueSkies !

so it IS

Thank You Father, for gentle Pure Rain on a SunShiny Day !

Thank You for The return of Spit-Fires to The People.  Thank You that The Spirit of The People is whole once again.

Thank You that I am One of The People.

I accept Universal Law and respect its action and the choices of The People.  I respect the Desire of each Person and their relationship to You.

On a SunShiny day with Pure Rain on the Way !

Thank You

Thank You Father, for gentle, abundant Pure Rain to nourish the plants and wash the earth.  Thank You that the SunShine comes again, after a Proper Rain.  Thank You the scum has ended and the TurquoiseBlue Sky remains.

Thank You for whole and complete expression which You see in me.

Thank You for The Father Way in All Righteous and Holy Opportunity.

On a SunShiny day in which All is but a breath away !

if you . . .

IF YOU . . .  These words usually preface a deception.  These words are often NOT used for Divine expression.  If you were . . . If you had . . . If you didn't . . . If you did . . . If you do . . .  If you don't . . . If you weren't . . .

On and on, these words are often used to accuse, blame, make responsible (falsely), on and on.  Those who accuse falsely are those we are NON to.

As we stay focused on Father and Source, seeking and receiving Truth, Desiring to Know our Self as the Rapture, Rhapsody, Power and Plan, these become our experience in Life.

May the SunShine of abundance and the Cleansing Pure Rain shower you with Truth !

is it possible ?

Do you think it is possible that a very small event in an average city could have great impact ?  Most People would answer yes, surprisingly enough.  Do they think it likely?  Well, that is another thing entirely. 

Based on Father's information yesterday, we expected an "explosive" event of newsworthy proportion.  But, perhaps it was a quiet event, unfolding between Father and One of The People.  Shared with a second Person, and then to be shared with more People.  Or perhaps not.  Perhaps One is all it takes for the events to be set in motion.

One thing is Sure--Father is Present, Active, and Graces us daily with Truth "for the asking".  And Universal Law is responding to the Desire of The People.

On a SunShiny day with a Cool-Balmy Breeze following the Pure Rain !

Universal Law this day

Father had cautioned of several potential events pending, which are the action of Universal Law.  This morning He cautioned to stay focused in Him.  Universal Law is in action this day. 

Devvy Kidd hosts a show on the Rense Radio Network and on June 30, 2010 she had George Ure as guest on her show. This show is available in her archives.  I just listened to the show this morning and heard that George reminded us that Clif High had seen this day as an event-full one.  (As I just checked the link, I want to mention there is rude language posted on the page, regarding a hack into his data.  For one so advanced in computer inquiry, you would think he could better protect his data.)

The point to this is, that there is Great potential for this to be an event-full day somewhere in the world.  Stay in Prayer and Contemplation with The Father and respect the Action of Universal Law.  By seeking to change, or by lamenting this action, energy provided by The Father is siphoned from you, just at a time it is greatly needed by you.

May the Blessings of The Father and Source prevail and Universal Law be understood and instructional for a New Way in Truth and Love.

On a SunShiny day of TurquoiseBlue skies and Puffy Clouds floating on a Cool-Balmy Breeze !


Thank You Father for the cool, balmy breeze and Pure Rain to nourish and sustain The People, Plants and everything.  Thank You for the SunShine of Your Desire.

How are you doing with "doing" your job and letting The Father do His?  I plan on being able to soon report I'm "doing" my job much better.  The Father reminds us our position is vacant when we are busy trying to fill His.  No one comes to take over our job.  It remains unfulfilled until we return to our place in the Divine Plan.

Where is He in-the-mean-time?  Waiting.  When we step aside--return to our "destined" journey--we return The Father to His proper position with us.  When He is directing the Divine Plan in our lives, all unfolds in abundance and Joy.

Aspire to the position of Director?  I invite you to reconsider.  I have learned there is nothing worse than to be attempting to fill a position you are not qualified for.  The stress and distress are certainly clues there must be a Better Way.

On a rainy day of Pure water and air, SunShine behind the clouds, may you return to your vacant position In Joy !

Faith unfolds

Trusting the Father continues to unfold.

Until we let The Father do what is His to do, we interfere with what He would do. Father is not going to enter into a tug of war with us. He has told us for thousands of years He can be Trusted to do what He does--have Faith it is so. Some time ago the popular phrase was "Let go and Let (God) Father." 

When we enter into agreement with the deception that we need to "do", the deceivers don't have to do anything else to sabotage us, because we are "pitted" against the Father--at odds with Him. The Father will enter NO conflict with us. If we believe it is ours to do He will let us struggle until we finally recognize the deception and re-learn what it is to stand in Faith.

When we walk in deception, they can say we did it to ourselves. And in some sense we did, because we have been told the Truth, but agreed with the deception--probably because it is / was easier than remaining in Faith until we see the action of Father. Ending deception and being in a Faith-filled walk with the Father smooths the road under your feet.

May the SunShine of The Father's Desire Light your day and with the Pure Rain and cool air, nourish you this day !

Thank You ! In Faith !

Thank You Father for the Pure Rain, Pure Air, cooled and refreshed for The People and the plants !

Animals, too. Thank You for reminding us of the Beauty you bestowed upon Your Creation !

Celestial Symphony

Some time ago Father gave me a Vision regarding each one's part in the Celestial Symphony.

We are each an individual composition in the Celestial Symphony. The "tones" of the individual create their individual composition. Each person's part is written for them as a unique instrument creating a musical tone, which is part of the Celestial Score, and is uniquely part of the overall composition.

This is to say Individual Tones create an original composition, which is a Person's part in the orchestra of a Celestial Symphony. When we take our seat in the orchestra and begin to read our part, as written, we will be able to see our Self as the Musical Tone that is our part of the Celestial Score and our place in the overall Composition.

On a SunShiny day with Pure Rain, cool-balmy Breeze, and musical, magical bubbles of Joy !


Have I said explicitly that :

The People are Divinely Created and Spiritual People who have been deceived into believing in a false image of who they are?

We have mistakenly contributed to the circumstances we believe are taking place on this planet. We are being told we are many things un-divine. We are none of those things. We have been misguided, misdirected, misused. These were not intentional choices by The People. They were decisions and actions based on false information.

So what do we do?

We must seek Truth with all our Heart. We must act with Honor and Integrity. We must creatively desire a new and different way. A way Divinely Directed and Graced. What is left to those People being attacked by deception? It seems NOW is the time for action by way of the Divine Plan, which we lost sight of. What Better Way is there than to seek and find the TRUTH of our Divine Creative Expression?

On a SunShiny day of Pure Rain, cool balmy breeze and a breath of fresh air !

we The People

Many people who knowingly or unwilling perpetuate deception are speaking "curses" upon The People of this Republic.

An uninformed, deceived, good intentioned People reside upon this land. They are being cursed, demeaned, degraded into a mindless mass of degenerates by those whose purpose is served by this. The People of this land are intelligent, good-willed, Spiritually Minded, although mis-directed. 

When The People are consumed with work so as to have food, shelter, pay unreasonable taxes, and find relief in electronic addiction, there is no energy left over for them to consider morals and ethics. Perhaps the conditions that cause a reduction in electronic purchase, use, and maintenance is, in the end, a good thing. Subliminal implants, attention deficit, addiction, and financial burden are eliminated.

Many families are being forced into going "cold turkey" in this regard. Sometimes "cold turkey" is the only solution to addiction.

On a SunShiny day of crystal skies and balmy breeze, may bubbles of Joy sparkle !


a new day

As things go, a new day rose with SunShine and Crystal TurquoiseBlue Skies and the sorrow of the Gulf seemed further away. Knowing that sorrow is something other than Divine doesn't keep it at bay.

Yet, with the SunShine, the birds singing, and cicadas chirping, all seems well with the world.

Father would have us understand All Is Well With The World, when that is the way we see it. All has always been well, if we could just see it. Recognizing our "perfection" would end all else. Were we to see the world as whole and complete as He sees us, the world would be whole and complete with us.

In this our Freedom lay.

On a SunShiny day of pure air and pure skies with balmy breeze !

is it gulf murder ?

 It's a great challenge to hold Faith with The Father when loved ones are living on the Gulf. The challenge of placing their safety in His Hands, where the responsibility belongs is of utmost difficulty when the toxic chemicals from the dispersant and the toxic gases from this oil, which is NOT fossil fuel, are being reported in Huntsville, AL and North Carolina.

The DNA damage caused by these toxic chemicals is unthinkable. The birth defects caused in children of women now breathing these toxic chemicals in the air will be unthinkable.

Is the complacency of The People in this situation, born of incapacity to understand, inability to act, no creative ability to find answers, no teaching in how to respond to a system that is feeding on, rather than serving them? All the one world order stuff and population reduction seems designed to fit in this event.

How much The Father asks, when you deeply care for the lives of The People and the "animals". If New Orleans is scheduled for the action of Universal Law it must be so. But is this the Divine Plan? Or is it action to divert and consume The People?

My goal with the new blog was to have a new focus with The Father and a very positive message. How difficult that has become.

On a SunShiny day that keeps the oily rain away !

Universal Law progresses

China is washing-sliding-sinking away.

No news from the Philippines.

New Orleans is holding on.

Two out of three are clearly awaiting completion under Universal Law.

On a SunShiny day of Balmy Breeze and Divine Clarity !

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