Welcome of the Father

Entries in this blog were made by Linda Diane during her journey with Martin. While Linda left the material plane in 2014, her entries remain quite pertinent. Many of them are based on Knowledge received through her ability to Commune with Father Which Is in Heaven and later Source (the Creative / Receptive Principle of Creation.) Feel welcomed to browse this blog to your Heart's content or visit the online store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say we leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you.

Martin (Blog Admin)


one or two ?


SunShine and puffy clouds !


I looked at the Sun recently.  It seemed as though I saw two different celestial objects as the road wound back and forth.


We shall see what the photos reveal !


In the vast blue sky and abundant SunShine, make bubbles with Joy !


what is the season ?


Crispy, crunchy red apples with caramel and nuts -- one of the Joys of fall !


Lots of money, time, attention is given an overtly unrighteous - unholy "celebration".

Where are your thoughts ?  Do you Honor the Divine in your Self ? 

Do you participate in activity that distorts and damages the perception of children ? 

Do you allow children close to you to become the "demons" the "holiday" was designed to dis-spell ?


Where is your Honor ?  Do you teach Truth or spread deception ?


May the SunShine of Solar Wind sweep away all parasitic activity !

choose, not thoughtless


Balmy, balmy !


Just a reminder to reconsider this coming weekend.


What do you want it to represent ?


Where is your heart ?


With fall beauty in the air !

Truth or familiar


On a crystal blue sky day !


What is your mental response to a situation where both "pro and con" are not Truth ?

What happens in your mental life when all you have known is "wrong" and you have no foundation for Truth to be built on?  Even in just one false belief ?


How flexible is your structure ?  Would it tumble like mis-constructed buildings in an earth quake ?


Is Truth more important than "familiar" ?


With Sunny skies, pure air, pure rain, pure and balmy breeze !


symptom or cause ?


On a SunShiny, bubbly day !


Can you tell the difference between the symptom and the cause when you Desire, Pray, seek to change something other than your health?

If your car needs repair and you can't find the problem, or the repair doesn't hold, have you considered that it is just the symptom of something that has nothing to do with car function ?

If your relationship needs repair and no matter what you do to stop the damage, it happens again and again, have you considered the relationship is just the symptom ?

Have you ever considered that effective prayer is prayed by people who recognize causes and give NO attention (read: energy) to the symptom(s) ?


Consider what would change if The People gave no attention to everything unrighteous - unholy and placed their attention on CAUSE or Universal Truth / Law / Love / Power. 


cause or CAUSE ?  Where is your attention ?



Turquoise blue, ruby red, citrine yellow, opal white, all the beauty of fall !

loose - loose


Basking in the SunShine of Solar glory !


Have you thought much about pro and con?  Two sided debates?  Heads and Tails?  Right and wrong?  Yin and Yang?


We have been indoctrinated into the false belief there are only two ways -- good or evil -- free will or slavery.


Is it even conceivable this is an irrelevant argument, debate, speculative venture?  Kind of like the angels on the head of a pin?


It maintains slavery either way.  There is no win-win, win-loose -- it is both loose-loose.


Just a "what if" to consider.  What could possibly be Truth regarding this?


On a balmy day of Sunny Glory !

earth changes and celestial events -- what then ?


In the silence of falling snow, may True Wisdom find you !


When the prediction of unseasonal snow came, I thought of Father's Words regarding planetary climate. 

After things settle environmentally, when Point of Departure has passed, we will return to idyllic days of temperatures in the 70's and snow on mountain tops.  There will be Light all the time with only a few hours being twilight, like Alaska in the summer.


We will once again be energized beyond our current condition and abundance will fill our days !


With pure air, pure SunShine and pure Truth !

the dog and the squirrel


With pure rain to nourish the earth !


Soon winter will be upon the northern hemisphere. 

A wise dog we have observed had himself been observing the squirrel.  Following the example and advice of the squirrel he began to ask for his provision for winter to be insured.

And so it is.  This wise dog has been provided for.


On a SunShiny day of sparkling fall color and warmth upon the cool breeze !

who do you feed ?


With balmy days of gold and red leaves !


The more anger, pain, sorrow The People feel

the stronger the unrighteous - unholy become

because they are fed increasingly well.


In the SunShine of Father's abundance !


truly creative


With clarity of beauty !


It has no importance whether untrue thoughts originate due to parasitic occupation (like "Stargate"), or whether they originate from ELF or other signals (like radio or television waves). 

The only attention given such deceptive thoughts is to recognize that thought which originates from our True Self is Life giving, health supporting, Loving, creative.


I once heard it said the Japanese were not "creative", therefore they needed the Americans.  I see much creative expression in the Japanese culture.  Turning creative expression to false use in destructive technology is not Right and Proper use of our Spiritual Gift of Creativity. 


Stopping the destructive influence of false thoughts begins in recognizing them as untrue.  When one of those thoughts seems to be floating through your thinking, stop and remind yourself that destructive thought is not you.  Remind yourself what is True.  In Truth there is no blame, condemnation, fear, doubt because a false thought entered.  There is only the choice for Truth, Life, Love.


"Entertain" only the Truth of who you are.  As Mary Baker Eddy said, "Stand porter at the portal of your Mind".  That is, to stand aware of any attempt at false entry into your thoughts and allow only Truth to enter.  There will come a day there is NO door for false thoughts / experience to enter.


On a balmy fall day of SunShine and crystal fall color !


earth changes and celestial events -- heal the fracture


On a crisp fall day of golden beauty !


Pain and sorrow are tools of unrighteous - unholy activity. 

It is the "empathic" capacity of The People that is used to control and manipulate The People. 

The People make a serious mistake to falsely believe the unrighteous - unholy deserve compassion, forgiveness, saving.


In this blog, I hope I have never said anything that suggests The People should express forgiveness, compassion, or saving the unrighteous - unholy.  It is something very different to ask The People to learn how to give

NO ATTENTION, THEREFORE NO ENERGY to the unrighteous - unholy.


I have often thought how I could speak of Truth with no reference to the deception.  But then, I wonder if The People who do read this blog would follow the shift in thought.  It requires constant attention to a "Different Way", with slow success under current appearances, to find safety and protection.


It is, however, possible to succeed in a "Different Way"

and it requires recognizing this Different Way as the

Way of Truth


We still can have an earth where there is NO DOOR for the unrighteous - unholy to enter.  The end of unrighteous - unholy deception is for Universal Law and The Father to implement.

The "responsibility" of The People is to turn away from the deception and be filled with Truth, such that they see only Truth.  In this, the Divine Energy of Solar Activity is utilized for All That Is Righteous and Holy. 


As the Solar Activity increases, it makes possible the burning away of all false perception.  Those who hold on to deception may be consumed in the Divine Flame of Truth. 

It is deception to believe this is a world of opposites which needs good and evil.  It is a justification for those who can't reconcile the deception to Truth.  This leaves The People with a "split mind". 

We must be "of One Mind". 

We must have the Mind of Truth.


On a day of Crystal SunShine and Crystal blue skies and balmy weather !


earth changes and celestial events -- Focus


In the Bounty of The Father !


While I understand Life through my relationship with a Celestial Being I call The Father, a Being of pure Goodness, Love, all the Divine Characteristics we attribute to "God", I invite you to apply whatever name supports your Spiritual Framework when identifying such a Creative Force in our experience.


As I have often mentioned, He is not to be confused with the Celestial Template for humanity, called Source.  And, both are more direct expression of the Universal Love -- Gloriosa who created all the universes, than we know how to be, at this time.


The concept of turning our attention to Rapture (Transcendent Love), Rhapsody (our Celestial Music), Power (our Divine Authority and Sovereignty), and Plan (the Plan, blueprint, or Symphony we have a part in), is also expressed in "religion" across the Earth.  In my studies / experience, the Taoist writings express it best.  The mystery of opposites and how two things that appear contradictory can be True at the same time, is, I believe, best illustrated in Buddhism.   


The Truth of our survival is that we must be willing to end all hate, resentment, punishment, anger, retaliation, every  emotion the unrighteous - unholy fill us with.


I, of all People, know I am asking each and every Person to do something that seems empty, hopeless, and impossible.  How can one meet such hate as they have for us with a neutral manner, knowing that Love is our shield, and THE WORD is our "weapon"?


It is ironic that the unrighteous - unholy KNOW this is True, while we accept their deception which teaches us this Truth has no value.


We must end our struggle with them and find our True Self of Love and Celestial Music in Divine Power.


On a SunShiny day of Truth, with pure rain, pure Solar Breeze of abundance, and pure blue skies !



earth changes and celestial events -- prayer and preparation


With great expectations !


To be informed is to be free of fear.

Prayer and preparation keep a Light Heart active.


Father had me begin this blog for my personal progress.  It continues to be an activity mostly for that purpose.  The difference in information and call for preparation through this blog is that, fear, anger, hate, resentment, blame and all unrighteous - unholy emotions are presented as deception which can be placed on the Altar for transformation.  As it is all carried to The Father on the smoke, one is filled with Truth and Love.


In my understanding, the unrighteous - unholy integration of deception into spiritual Truth caused an integration of their lust for deification with the presence of The Father, Source, and Universal Divinity -- All That Is, or Gloriosa.

This makes conversation based in Truth very difficult.  If I were to say God, who in your perception would I be referring to?  It is only the deception that would blame god for war, death, illness, plague and so forth.


What is pending in the way of Celestial Events carries no Divine Intent of death, decay or destruction.  It is a natural event which those who Desire Truth understand.

Make your Way in Truth !


On a SunShiny day of pure air, pure rain, pure skies and a pure Earth !



earth changes and celestial events -- Point of Departure


 Bubbles of Joy brighten any day !


 A simple drawing has been used many times as we have mentioned Point of Departure.  This illustration shows the slight "bulge" as the Sun is drawn out of its normal orbit for a brief period prior to Point of Departure.  This time we call first deviation. 

The Sun will be thrust into its new - old orbit at what is close to an 80 degree angle.

 Point of Departure


The stresses on the Sun and the Earth can be imagined to cause many of the suggested events now taking place.

It is easy to imagine that the pull on the Earth could cause an expansion.

It is also easy to imagine a heating of the Earth as the friction mounts.

It is easy to envision Solar material leaving the Sun in a frenzied storm of "fire and brimstone".


We have given Father's warning that this event will implode all plastic and the "fumes" will be fatally toxic.  Martin said yesterday he thought I should give this warning at all times I mention a secure shelter or safe place. 


We have suggested that natural caves, natural clothing (including thread) and natural food (the Hopi have said ash corn and so forth).  Remember: water in plastic bottles would be useless.


For as long as I can remember I have had an extreme urge to prepare for the cold.  This seems contradictory to the "warmth" that would attend the event I believe is pending.  However, Clif has observed language that indicates a cold winter worthy of comment 50 years from now.  This would indicate last winter was just a warning to prepare.


In the midst of all this information, turning to The Father for direction, desiring Truth, and asking to know your True Self is the best preparation possible.


On a SunShiny day of Truth in Rapture, Rhapsody, the Divine Plan and Power !



earth changes and celestial events -- rosey colored glass


With Pure, thirst quenching rain !


The Enigmatic Structure can be viewed, from here, in the east all day.  It is beyond my understanding how this could be. 

Father gave specific instructions, with specific measurements to build a low-tech viewer, which we call the Enigmatic Viewer.

It utilizes three types of glass.  One with gold, one with lead and one to make looking in the direction of the Sun possible.


The only difficulty, at this time, is that the Person doing the viewing must be free of unrighteous - unholy focus.  This leads me to believe the unrighteous - unholy cannot see the approach of the Enigmatic Structure, even though they know it must be close.


There is another feature of the interaction between these two Celestial Objects which has begun.   As the Sun entered "deviation"--or began to deviate in its orbit, Earth changes began to accelerate.  When Point of Departure is reached, Solar Flares will be pulled off the Sun with particles of Solar material.  This will be a great renewal of the planetary surface, but an atmospheric as well as geological disaster for many of The People. 


Martin and I have made suggestions in all we have written these 10 years regarding preparation. 

There is still a little time, if you keep it Simple. 

Simple food.

Simple clothing.

Simple shelter. 

All close at hand.  All natural.


As a reminder, when colors shift to an intense jewel-like tone, right before your eyes, you have only 3 to 4 hours to change your clothes and get to your secure shelter.


In Truth, on a SunShiny day of balmy breeze, blue skies, and a Light Heart !


earth changes and celestial events -- Enigmatic Structure


 On a Balmy Sunny day.

While a vast amount of conceptual material was touched upon yesterday, due to my sense of urgency, I shall continue to "touch upon" this new and vast concept with no in-depth discussion or explanation. I believe the importance of the conceptual material is necessary to share and while this blog has few viewers, I Trust that those inspired by the Father will come to this new framework which He has outlined in His Communion with me.

In part these things have been presented through the Divine Word which, when accurately perceived, would be considered from a human frame of reference, to be music which is then translated into linear verbal communication. This entails the complexity of understanding that which is Given by the Father and explains the necessity that it not be translated into other languages.

I have created three diagrams today to help bring a perceptual understanding to the orbit of the Sun. The first diagram is flat. The second diagram is dimensional in quality such as the written language of Asian countries. How does one render that which is sculptural into what we call a one dimensional form of written or drawn expression?


In this diagram for simplicity of explanation, the Enigmatic Structure and our Sun (Solar System) are accelerating toward the same point in space as they draw closer in their orbit. This would explain the long standing prediction of a speeding up of time. It is through this increased momentum that these two celestial objects are able to deviate into their previous orbit.

It is my speculation that the vacuum which precedes our Sun would also precede the Enigmatic Structure and this buffer, or bumper, is what propels each into their preceding orbit.


Due to limitations of my skills in rendering perspective drawings, I have indicated a perhaps more accurate positioning of the two orbits. While not perpendicular and not doubly overlapping, perceptually they do in fact touch at one point. 


This diagram is a simplistic symbolic representation of the Enigmatic Structure. When it was revealed to me, I thought of stories of a twin tale comet and the emblem utilized in StarTrek insignia.

For my creative use it will become a signet which is explained in other writings we are developing through Father's Guidance and Direction.


In ancient history there is myth and legend  of these events and indication of the preparations of ancient cultures.  As suggested throughout this blog and Martin's BlueStarBlog, this preparation requires the utmost simplicity and NO PLASTIC,


On a SunShiny Day of perfectly blue skies, balmy temperatures, and Faith in the Father.


earth changes and celestial events -- basics two


With beautiful blue-sky bubbles of Joy !


Just a reminder before I resume:

  • Father's information is a matter of perspective.
  • Father's information is only accurate as far as my ability to understand.
  • Father has said that to see the Enigmatic Structure requires 'not playing' with the unrighteous - unholy.


The point of reviewing the background information Father has given is to build a foundation from which The People can understand what is impending regarding the Sun and return of the Enigmatic Structure.


Martin articulated the earth's orbit in his BlueStarBlog, so I will refer you to reading his entry.  This entry includes information from Father, incorporated into Heliotropos: Toward the Sun, and expanded through his research and personal contemplation.


My understanding of Father's communication, at this point, is that the Enigmatic Structure is approaching our Sun and is now visible.  However, visible is relative.  The Enigmatic Structure is not in the visible range of Light for The People.  When the Enigmatic Structure has reached a point of interaction with our Sun there will be a repelling action that sends each Celestial Body into their previous orbit. 

This moment of interaction will cause what we have called Point of Departure.  This is a rough ride for the Earth.  The long predicted "sparkle" shower of fire would therefore be caused by this abrupt, radical shift in orbit which "drags" the solar system with the Sun (in this we are Blessed).  Again, this will be a rough ride.  It will, however, cleanse the Earth of everything unrighteous - unholy. 

This is why it is of utmost importance that your secure shelter be very basic with no "synthetic" materials.

Father has said the three days of darkness is more about the cleansing process than about a lack of SunLight.

Clif has said the unrighteous - unholy are afraid of something.  I believe this is it.  This and the "precipitating" event.  


Recently I wrote a post regarding placing hate, anger, resentment, blame, and so forth on the Divine Altar, where the Divine Flame consumes the unrighteous - unholy deception of such emotions and the sweet fragrance of Rapture and Rhapsody (Love and Celestial "music") fills us.  These are represented by a candle, white sage (or some cleansing plant to be burnt for the cleansing smoke), and incense.

The People's sincere Desire for Truth brings an understanding of the true purpose of traditional ritual.


It is of the utmost importance to progress in our choice for Father and Source, unto All That Is. 

Please take this information to prayer and ask to be shown Divine Truth.

It may seem the actions Martin and I have suggested, amount to "no-thing".  This is an important part of the deception.  We have been convinced that huge effort, action, work is required for change. 

In fact, change is brought by simple clarity.  Seeing a "different way", or The Father Way is of utmost importance.  Desire this "shift" of perception now. 


On a SunShiny balmy fall day !


earth changes and celestial events -- basics one


With the Divine Beauty of fall !


In returning to the topic of earth changes and celestial events, some information we began to share 8 (eight) or more years ago must be revisited.  You may have more recently found a review of this information on Martin's BlueStarBlog


Just a reminder that we leave citing your Source between you and The Father, since He is the origin of the controversial information included in these posts.  Martin and I just record and make available.  Universal Law and Father insure the sanctity of His message.

I ask that you just consider "what if" it is True?  How does that impact you?


So we will begin with the basics Father gave, so long ago.  The first is the orbit of the earth around the Sun.

The earth makes an orbit which never passes in front of the Sun's forward momentum.  This is so because, a vacuum is created in front of the Sun.


My current vision is that this illustration shows the earth orbit somewhat more forward than it is.  It is however, the original drawing we used in our book "Heliotropos: Toward the Sun".

The earth makes an orbit similar to a progressing infinity symbol.  Each solstice is the turning point where maximum orbit around the Sun is reached and the earth is thrust back into return orbit around the back side of the Sun. 

The earth crosses its former path around the Sun somewhat "higher" than the previous trip.  These crossover points are called equinoxes.  This is to say the earth orbit could be described as a "spiraling infinity symbol".



May the beauty of Indian Summer permeate your day !


success or fear

On a crystal blue fall day !


Have you recognized the deception which says,

         "fear of failure motivates success"?


This might be true if the goal of success is deception based.


When a Person's Desire is for Truth, by way of their own unique creative expression, fear is NON (a non-reality).

A Person KNows the "Rightness" of their goal / Desire in Love.


On a SunShiny day of Truth and Love and balmy Play !

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