Welcome of the Father

Entries in this blog were made by Linda Diane during her journey with Martin. While Linda left the material plane in 2014, her entries remain quite pertinent. Many of them are based on Knowledge received through her ability to Commune with Father Which Is in Heaven and later Source (the Creative / Receptive Principle of Creation.) Feel welcomed to browse this blog to your Heart's content or visit the online store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say we leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you.

Martin (Blog Admin)


day by day

As things change (read, escalate) day by day, what was correct months, days, or even  hours ago, may be obsolete. Flexibility becomes paramount. Constant attention to Divine Direction provides navigation to circumnavigate the deception.

Pain over change was a luxury (read, deception) of the past. Universal Truth is the standard and measure of all action.

May your days flow into a greater perception of Your Self as Truth.


You might have noticed several topics are expanded or restated. This is so today.

  • giving the love you experience away, leaves an empty space
  • receiving from another fills the empty space
  • if the space is re-filled with love, the love one becomes is not who one is--it is the expression of another
  • if the space is re-filled with expression of uselessness, destructiveness, valuelessness, it becomes who you are
  • who you are becomes a deception, unknown to your Divine Self
  • in either case, one no longer knows who they are, for they have become filled with a deception from someone else
  • were one to stop being filled with the expression of another, for better or worse, they would begin to know who they are--the eternal philosophical quest
  • Universal Truth is the way to know and express Your Self as Love
  • Desire Truth --> end deception

position or perspective

Current controversy looks at space exploration from the earth out. But what if:

  • Space was photographed coming in toward earth
  • The solar system was explored before arrival
  • The planet became the “prison planet” for those who brought the photographic evidence of space exploration (not to be confused with the web-site)
  • The deception of “saving” the planet after their staged arrival is the motivation for creating the illusion of space exploration by recent governments
  • They have been using earth-people to develop their “way out”, or off the planet

The Father has said we will not be saved by those who cannot save themselves. And I add, by those who seek our demise. I had always believed in the truth of our space program, but as Truth comes, so does a new position of perspective.

How are you doing at not answering the door we already answered?

research continues

Contemplation continues as to what an octal system of real numbers (no 0 or 9) would "look like". How could computations be preformed?

Perhaps another area of progress could unfold as I await the octal answer.

have I mentioned ?

Have I mentioned on this blog . . .

  • Perhaps there is no darkness in "space" -- all is Light
  • Perhaps the unrighteous-unholy couldn't leave the planet, once they got here.
  • Perhaps that is Divine intervention, not just VanAllen belts.
  • Perhaps the claims they can "save" us will be false, because the Father says they can't even "save" themselves (leave the planet)
  • Perhaps what we consider small "miracles", like turning water to wine, are just small magic tricks to the uu (unrighteous-unholy).

PERHAPS the day is at hand in which they are non and the earth is restored to Truth.

your job

Have you ever been worried (fearful) that someone won't do their job? So worried that you begin to do it for them?

Did you ever think that if you are doing someone else's job there is no one to do your job?

Did you ever think Trusting others to fulfill their endeavor allows you to focus on Self expression and the Joy of fulfilling your own Endeavor?

Perhaps the Way of Joy and Trust can be yours today.

have you ever?

Do you ever buy mulberry capsules, yucca capsules, oregano capsules?

Have you ever gone to your yard, asked your neighbor, asked the local park/garden to harvest a leaf, root, flower and dried it yourself? There is something very freeing and energizing in these simple acts. When you drink the tea or eat the leaf or add the dried/powdered root to your smoothie you feel very empowered. The world is full of herbs, food, nourishment we never see. It is just a tree, flower, plant.

I would like to suggest it is more. Much more. Identification of plants is a fun activity to share with children. Several local parks here identify their plants and trees. A photo journal is a fun project to share with a child or an exploration just for you.

Fall is a fun time to photograph and with just a little time left to harvest. You could make a year long project as the seasons come and go. Have Joy!


What do you suppose the "payoff" is for filling the sky with toxic waste? That is, beyond population reduction.

As the "scum" floats like a film in the atmosphere, the elements which would normally reach earth (water, crystals, metals, minerals, . . . ) carried on the Solar Wind from the Sun, are accumulated. This takes place on the side of the scum toward the Sun, where this treasure is "harvested" by unrighteous--unholy design. These "resources" are then unavailable to nourish and sustain the Earth and her inhabitants. Since the Earth has been depleted of her reserves of these resources and they are not being replenished, she and we are declining more rapidly. This is one of the factors being evaluated in the Tribunal with Universal Law.

You may question previous blog entries which speak of the deception and NON nature of events such as this. It is also the case that action is taken based on the choices of those who are deceived, as well as those who seek All Righteous and Holy Opportunity. Conflicting actions are at "play" until Universal Truth prevails. As long as we each have a split mind regarding their presence and action, they continue.

Contemplate this conflict and seek Divine Truth. Words are insufficient when conveying Universal Truth. A True Vision contains understanding beyond conflict and confinement.













Upon contemplation I realized there needs to be clarification between earth changes and the activity of the unrighteous -- unholy.

  • Unrighteous -- unholy is a deception, a virus that contaminates; but one of perception not reality.
  • Earth Changes -- are ongoing in the evolution of the earth. They correct the contamination of deception.
  • Earth Changes are coming in greater degree due to the evolution of the Sun and the contingent relationship they have.
  • The Sun is conscious expression of the Father's Desire. A Christed type of consciousness, you might say.
  • The Sun delivers nourishment to the earth and inhabitants in the elemental form of water, minerals, crystals, metals.  These are not dependent on the delivery system of meteorites or asteroids.

It is of utmost importance to follow the inner pull to the place one needs to be living and to prepare for tangible nourishment during the time one is coming to the expression of Universal Truth. It is during this time the Earth will progress in eliminating the deception until the door is NON.

How long can the Earth breathe with her sky filled with toxic debris? How long can you breathe the toxic debris penetrating your body? How do you recognize a deception that looks, smells, feels real?

split mind sabotage

Today was a gentle reminder of the importance of  "being of one mind". It is most often difficult to see we have conflicting beliefs, even opposing beliefs, because the belief engaged is the only one visible. We "forget" the times we speak an opposing belief.

An example of this is to believe we have chosen the Father Way, and yet hold a desire to "understand" death / decay. If one chooses the Father, contemplation and understanding is in Universal Truth of All That Is Righteous and Holy. If one chooses death / decay one would contemplate why "they" want to vaccinate the people for a flu that has the most neutral statistics of any flu so far. Or why they have put mercury in some vaccine, produced it under conditions that spread other virus, DNA, RNA, or use a "filler" that greatly harms earth-dwellers.

Who do you choose as your "god"? Where your heart dwells--or your thoughts--there your experience is also. Do you know what life would be like if you were so filled with Truth, Love, Joy that there was no unrighteous--unholy to even contemplate?


Faith is active when deception is knocking at your (non)door. No matter the appearances, when Faith is active you know what Righteous and Holy "looks like" and if it doesn't, it isn't it.

The "virus" affecting this planet was "created" by one mistaken "human" from somewhere else. He "infected" 200 others, then on to more and more. This idea of a virus / fungus is a deception of one alien's creation. Faith recognizes Truth as an active and present choice, even when others choose deception.

Choosing Truth is rewarding, self re-inforcing, and generally a Joyful event. Have some Joy today!

yet today . . .

Universal Law brought me learning today. Universal Law makes decisions based on the CHOICES we make. We may have the best INTENTION, but if the CHOICE is unrighteous--unholy, those are the results we live and "die" by. This seems "hard nosed" but take a look and see if it applies.

prepare or not prepare--that is the question

Many religious people are saying to not prepare because trust in god will save them.

My experience with the Father is that He has instructed, step by step the ways in which I should prepare. That is, prepare for earth changes. We take note in the bible how wise it was to prepare for seven years of famine while He brought seven years of plenty. Is that less true today?

Did I mention that perhaps we should be more concerned with those who use 777 rather than 666? Those who hide in the 7's are those who aspire to destroy the 8 or Father Which Is In Heaven and all who choose All Righteous and Holy. One is not a number and nine is not a number. They are deception--null. When added to another number, they are null. What is a True system of octal--one with no zero or nine?

why don't you answer?

Have you considered Divine assistance severely lacking in your experience? Perhaps there is just one small thing you overlook. The Father is unable to provide all He would, when you hold onto large or small attachment to something unrighteous -- unholy.

As has been mentioned, Truth IS black or white, there is no gray area. You choose the Father or you don't . Even when your choice is made because you have been deceived, it is still your choice for other than Father. When your choice for Truth is strong enough to see and correct the mistaken choices, the Father can act in your life and all He promises BECOMES.

This is a very difficult concept to accept. However, Desire Truth and find your answer. For me, it has been that there were many ways I believed the deception and acted in "good faith" but was acting in opposition to the Father's Will and my True Self. Truth is available to all who earnestly seek it.

second vision

Progression of understanding brought me a previously unconsidered Truth. There are two kinds of spiritual Vision. One is the traditional version of biblical lore, or native American quests. The second is personal Vision of information we came with. The second type is difficult to obtain under the current deception on earth. It often appears in fragments with no particular apparent pattern. This personal Vision is meant to be the guiding “light” that brings us to our “destination” of “purpose”. Father gave me a fun exercise, which was to illustrate my Vision. I had been collecting “pieces” without direction. Now, with direction I could combine them into the Vision from which I would have a blueprint. There are as many creative ways to exprennate Vision as there are people to do so. Here’s to you finding yours.


As the days progress and the time of change rapidly unfolds, it is difficult to focus on the studies. Hurricanes, tropical storms, flooding, earthquakes, drought, volcanoes, the list is full of impending or progressing earth changes due to the impending change in the Sun's orbit.

When one is called by the Father, it is important to act. Many people have been guided by the Father to begin their preparation in a fashion that once was a way of life. Preparation is no longer dismissed as "conspiracy theory". Preparation is being promoted by local, state and federal government. It is true your neighbor becomes your first responder -- after the Father.

Look for the Truth of your circumstances. Recently, I realized that the false mindset of poverty had so engulfed me I couldn't see the Truth of Father's bounty. Finally, nightly prayer to be inspired to see a Vision of All Righteous and Holy Opportunity and the blueprint to bring it active and present, along with a morning prayer to recognize the end of famine entrapment, began a shift in my perception. I could recognize the end of poverty had already come when I could "not open the door".

Truth was brought visible to me.


This week has been inundated with earth changes. Sudden, massive, land and water.

A while ago Father said it was right and proper to sit by the side of the road until he said to move and where to go. Just watch those fleeing disaster, in Peace, for you will Know when and how to act.

Listen while you wait, for the Father has been speaking. If he has spoken, act and act now.

Father is with you when you choose Him.

by request

A brief summary of those referred to as unrighteous--unholy:

  • the geneticist - he is the one that had the idea of separation and used his skills to create a virus that rendered him incapable of receiving Divine Sustenance forcing himself to resort to the act of stealing to sustain himself in his insanity
  • the followers of the geneticist or fallen angels or gods
  • those chasing the geneticist and followers to stop their rampant theft

The geneticist is who will be called the (anti)christ. his followers were fellow scientists who agreed to the deception--about 200 in number those chasing them with indignation and justification believed that they could stop the insanity by killing everyone who had become infected with this virus. By focusing on that which they sought to destroy they became just like them--all separated from Universal Truth this second group is composed of three factions--death, decay and destruction each named by the works they do. As a group "alien" to this planet, they are referred to as the unrighteous--unholy or purveyors of deception. The first group has been working on enslaving earth-kind so as to create a kingdom. The second group now seeks the destruction of Earth as well as the geneticist and his followers, for they believe we "deserve" it because we are contaminated. The so called battle between light and darkness is really the battle between the geneticist and death / decay / destruction. The Divine engages in no battles and does not participate in this insanity. The Divine does support however all those who Desire to stop playing the game of the unrighteous-unholy. It does so by providing the Knowledge needed to do so.Please remember, we never opened the door. That we did is a deception. The door is NON when we recognize we can "not open the door". This ends their play. When there is no door, we are unavailable to them. Those who seek to remove the “veil” between them and us are mistaken - that is equivalent to opening the door. A slightly longer version can be found in Heliotropos and other books on BlueStarWay.com

Patterns of deception

As I continued to listen to the radio show from last Friday, I noticed derogatory remarks about earth-kind people who have come to awareness of contact with “others/aliens/unrighteous—unholy” and make their experience public. Perhaps some of these people have the debased motivation suggested. I would, rather, propose that many of these people have come to make public their trauma due to the abusive nature of this contact. People who have been abused typically follow a pattern of silence/hiding the abuse, becoming compelled to talk about it, and then being able to talk about it or not. People can get stuck at any point in this pattern of “recovery” from the abuse. Of course there are those who “successfully” complete the healing process and reach the point where they no longer feel an uncontrollable urge to talk about the experience. The difference with earth-kind who have been abused by the others, is that there is very little trained intervention available to support the healing process. Most is focused on labeling, medicating, and interning. To demean, degrade, ridicule, hospitalize, medicate, and label is the game of the unrighteous-unholy – it perpetuates their established deception. SAFETY is only with the Father. This is a total commitment. The door is NON when you don’t open it. Safety is a journey of complete Faith in the Father / Source. Holding onto any piece of deception holds the door open.

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