Welcome of the Father

Entries in this blog were made by Linda Diane during her journey with Martin. While Linda left the material plane in 2014, her entries remain quite pertinent. Many of them are based on Knowledge received through her ability to Commune with Father Which Is in Heaven and later Source (the Creative / Receptive Principle of Creation.) Feel welcomed to browse this blog to your Heart's content or visit the online store to download free e-book compilations of all entries.

The contents of this blog are under Father's Creative Notice. That is to say we leave it to Divine Law to balance any transgressions. To better understand this, visit the Creative Notice, Translation Notice, and In our Words pages. These three pages, in and of themselves, may contain answers you have been looking for...

Hope you In-Joy finding and receiving the many gems made available through this blog, but if the information presented here doesn't float your boat simply continue looking for greener pastures elsewhere. Your Peace and Spiritual Progression do matter.

May the Father Walk with you.

Martin (Blog Admin)


the example of fathers


abundant cool rain and balmy cool days !


Not sure why I've been posting every day, not sure why I skipped a day.


I want to acknowledge Martin and Mister.  They have been such a good team and progressing so well.


Martin is like a father to Mister -- and Mister is like a child in many of his ways and things he says.


The Father has been teaching Martin well.


With SunShiny cool days and balmy breezes !


too much


With doves cooing when evening comes !


On this OneRadioNetwork show, Daniel Vitalis also mentioned that the active healing components of wild foraging, were necessary to ingest on a rotational basis due to toxicity potential, or some such issue.  I can't say I understood this theory, but it could just be that too much of even a good thing can cause overload.


Bubbles of Joy dance on balmy cool breeze !




Tree frog sings a lonely song.  You are not alone.


Daniel Vitalis has been on OneRadioNetwork many times.  He once said:

To forage provides a seasonal rotation of available food. 

His recommendation was to vary your food intake for variety of nutrients.


With SunShine and pure blue skies !


Truth to the People


cool nights and cool balmy days of rain and Sun !


It was interesting, the other night, to hear a man who reads palms say that:

The People prevail in Truth.


Pure gentle abundant rain with Sun again !




Pure and gentle breeze !


Seems to me this is a good weekend to celebrate Life.

If we were to stop killing each other,

what could they do ?

They know the penalty if they do the killing themselves.

Universal Law is monitoring.


With Love of Life and The Father's abundance !


from one seed


pure and gentle rain comes, SunShine remains !


A friend recently mentioned a new idea she heard on an internet show by a pastor I had never heard of.

The idea was that from one seed comes many stalks.

This is true of some plants.  Chard immediately came to mind.

Many "fruits" also may come from one seed. (Think tomato)

This was not a reference to all the good we do, but instead to the fact that "misdeeds" also multiply.


Her thought was to pray that no harm come from all our actions, because all action is Harmonious with The Father.

Seems like a good idea to me.


With cool balmy days and pure nights !


succinctly said


lacy flowers on plants called weeds nourish my view !


A more succinct statement :

Due to advanced technologies brought at arrival,

the unrighteous - unholy could withhold

what The People need

if The People won't / wouldn't receive the unrighteous -

unholy violence against them.


Receiving days of gentle pure rain and balmy cool SunShine!



pure and gentle rain


Cool Sunny days of Joy !


When destruction couldn't be brought in from the West, North or South, the unrighteous - unholy tried the East. 

Their unspoken, but clear, false contract was:

If you want rain,

then, first there must be the destruction of high winds, lightening, torrential water.


The Father would have the moisture that sustains Life, be gentle and pure.

End false belief that The Father brings destruction for the many biblical reasons "they" inserted into the text.


The Truth of Father, is that He is Love - Rapture.  He is the Substance from which the earth and her People were formed.


With birds singing and Sun Rising !


Cleansing bubbles


Pure and gentle rain brings green again !


A further observation regarding traditional visual imagery, an example of which is used in Code to Joy.


Many years ago, I experimented with the imagery of taking the things I wanted to clear from my energy body to the trash bin at the end of our building. I quickly discovered that the problem with this imagery is how easy it was to go and pick it up again and not even be aware of it. With this experience in mind I would suggest an imagery that for me is totally effective.


I imagine myself blowing magic soap bubbles and in each bubble is one of the false ideas, concepts, teachings, that I am clearing from my True Expression. As the soap bubbles float away, holding the undesirable thoughts, emotions, indoctrinations, they disappear just as the soap bubbles do on a golden afternoon by the lake.

There is no question, where did they go, what happened. From childhood, we have known soap bubbles are there and then poof they are gone. So it is with these undesired contents, poof, they are gone. As the bubble disappears, so does the unrighteous - unholy energy I have sent out of my energy system.


Just a thought. An alternative to solid containers which allow the retrieval of that which you desire to be cast out.


With balmy cool golden SunShiny days and moisture abundantly glistening !


it scums again


days of pure rain and eclipses !


The scum descending from the sky has been so tangible, it is like trying to breathe in a dust storm.


What can a Person do ?  Withdraw consent.  Tell Father you never consented to being poisoned by the unrighteous - unholy and any claim of contract is FALSE.  All that is and has been done to you and to The People is by deception.


Then begin to live this as Truth in your Life.

Imagine what a Life of Truth would be.

Remember that Life would be Harmonious with the Design of a Father who is LOVING, Giving, Approving, and all Goodness.

What would a Life of Truth be for you ?


With pure cool SunShine !




Pure days of crystal Joy !


Beatitude is Gratitude !


Many years ago, Martin and I checked the definition and that is it.

We kept a Beatitude journal, nightly, and found that Joy and Blessings were present even on the "worst" days.


Somehow such things have a way of becoming lost in daily life,

but I would say to begin and maintain a Beatitude Journal is one of the best things in Life.


On crystal Blue days of Purity !


about Code to Joy


balmy cool days !


After hearing one of the authors of Code to Joy on a talk show with my least favorite host, I obtained a copy of the book.

Father had "authorized" it as a Right and Proper book.

It is the do it yourself version of healing Sharen Berry does.  It has made available to everyone, rather than just the select rich and famous who could go to the authors for appointments.


There is, however, an item worth noting.  When selecting a symbolic "image" to use for immediate reminder to the body of your new way, it is my personal values and journey with Father that would not allow me to use the S with lines, owned by the federal reserve  unrighteous - unholy business, nor to use the unrighteous - unholy symbol of darkness which overtly uses the snakes.  

I selected a picture that identifies my newly understood goal for the clearing / cleansing of all these old hurts / pains / memories.

It never-the-less, is an excellent book with a system that is simple and works.


With pure gentle rain and balmy cool breeze !


It's all in the inflection . . .


Warm summer days and balmy cool breezes !


It's all in the inflection . . .


Recently Martin read one of my posts to me.

It sure didn't sound like what I thought I wrote.


I asked him to read a line and then I read the line.

It was all in the inflection.


I believe The People who read this blog have understood this fact.

I believe also, The People who read this blog read the content with question and contemplation.

On the surface, it sure isn't good reading, but with contemplation, there is a lot of content.


With SunShine and pure gentle rain !




Clear crystal blue skies Bless this day !


If The Father is Love and provides All,

how can we believe He would tell one of His "sons" to be host to cannibalism ?


Isn't eating the flesh and drinking the blood or calling upon spilt blood cannibalism, even when we are then told it is metaphoric ?


Is this de-sensitization,

Divine or deception ?


With balmy days of beauty !


Father Love


Early morning Light !


If The Father is LOVE,

then how can we believe He punishes, destroys, or demands sacrifice ?


Perhaps we believe this deception

because we have not experienced either The Father's Presence or transcendent LOVE (called Rapture).


With SunShiny days of cool balminess !


Father or father ?


cool mornings, balmy cool breeze blows


Have you considered The Father's Love, appreciation, approval, abundant supply as the guiding Energy of your Life?


How does your earthly father model The Father's Love for you ?


With Crystal SunShine on balmy days !




pure and gentle rain !



With SunShine on a balmy cool day !


a new day begun


Little pink stripes in turquoise sky !


A new day has begun.

Do you feel it ?

Look to the Sun.

It's Light reveals all.


On a balmy day in the shade !




Columbines grow !


Vines are very easy to grow.

How about Sweet Peas ?


Under puffy clouds with silver hue.  Balmy Breeze !




Beautiful balmy skies !


Gather the fruits of summer !


With SunShine and cool breeze !


edible weed


Plants drink pure moisture !


How are you progressing with recognizing edible weeds?

How abundant are those plants !

Blessings are hard to destroy.

Shift from indoctrination into chemical poisons that never succeed.

Choose the organic weed.


With a balmy breeze blowing grass and reed !


watch your fish


Frogs sing a summer night dream !


Do you know where your fish come from ?

Where do pure fish come from ?

What is nourishing for your body ?

Certainly not from China or within 400 miles of Japan.

What is happening to Alaska Salmon ?


Choose Truth.  End deception.


With SunShine and a New Day !


balmy hue


Days and nights of balmy hue !


I find myself thinking of you

and wondering if I write for you

When you read

do you think I write for you ?


With SunShiny blue skies and golden nights !


Truth grows


Gray to green. End of false skies.


Summer days spring forth.

Garden's bounty nourishes.

Earth keeps her own.


Brilliant days of Sunny Glory !




With Respect !


Do you know how to identify Respect toward your self ?


This is something worth knowing.


Recognizing someone who lacks respect for you helps decisions regarding that person.


Someone who withholds respect, chooses something other than Honor.


SunShiny days of Balmy Play !


potential pause


Joyous days of Father Ways !


Potential pause for changes !


With balmy days of Sunny Ways !




Pretty pink skies greet the dawn !


Have you ever considered miracles are found often in the small things ?


We often think of miracles as large events.


In reality, prayers, needs, desires, met are miracles.


Father has said that manifesting material objects and raising people from the dead, can, just be "majik tricks".


With Discernment active and present !


Glorious SunRise !




Paddles move !


Have you ever considered the similarities between paddles moving air and paddles moving water ?


SunShine on the water !


turn away


Crickets chirp, but don't invite them in !


It is important to invite only those things of Love, Joy, Truth into one's life.

Anything else is to turn away (from).


With cool breeze balmy days !


flowers of Joy


Blue bubbles of Joy in crystal blue sky !


Iris have been an extended Blessing of beauty and fragrance !


With balmy cool SunShiny days !


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