Project Scope

New design of water filtration and atmospheric regeneration systems.


The purpose of this grant request is to secure the means and the land upon which a New and Different Way, outside the paradigm of the old destructive way, can be implemented and developed into a viable alternative that is easily adapted to an individual or community level.

This New and Different Way will be implemented through four distinctive yet interdependent modules that will facilitate regeneration of the land and the people:

  1. Development of a new business model to replace an old and outdated paradigm.

  2. Creation, installation, and operation of inspired water designs to show the viability of new earth and soul friendly technology.

  3. Shifting of water utilization through implementation of a new and innovative garden design.

  4. Development of an ancient numbering system, language pattern, and calendar system that will support this paradigm shift.


To provide such grant and / or for more information, please

Father Way
Color Star
Color  Star
Creative Notice
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Structured Star
Structured Star